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by anonymous
I am trying to access the GPS NMEA data(GPGGA) on my RUT955 but I am not sure how to do it.

My end goal would be to read the data via an IP Address and Port so I can use the data in our Program for positioning.

1 Answer

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by anonymous


In RUT955 WebUI going to Services > GPS > NMEA allows you to configure NMEA data forwarding like Host, Port and Protocol used to forward sellected NMEA data to another device. After configuring receiving end with respective parameters you should be able to get the data. you can read more about configuration in wiki page:

If it does not work after that, it would be nice if you could provide configuration examples on both sides and/or routers troubleshoot file.


by anonymous

I have setup my Router and below are the GPS settings. 

How do I connect a terminal program to connect to the router to get the data as I need it to be output as an ASCII string so I can read it on our Software. 

My Host PC is connected to the router via RJ45 LAN cable and has a static IP of

The terminal program connects to an IP and Port to read the data being output, I can do this to connect to the RS232 on the device.

Where would you like the Config backup sent to?

by anonymous

Could you also post yours config on yours terminal program on yours PC?

by anonymous

There is nothing to post as I do not know what address I need to point the Terminal Program to.

For the RS232 I put in the router address and then I call the port number I have setup and hit connect. ( 

Attached is a screenshot of the terminal program connected to the RUT955 with an externalGPS attached to the RS232 Port.

by anonymous

Here is the image of the connection Info 

by anonymous

Its a really good read, gives you the byte breakdowns etc
by anonymous
@Justin Burnett The issue is I cannot get any data string from the RUT955 to decode it.
by anonymous


Since RUT955 sends NMEA data over IP/Hostname you can't directly read that over serial port, BUT there is workaround for this problem:

Services > GPS > NMEA configuration:

Enabled: [v]
Hostname: [<routers own IP>, e.g.]
Port: [Port of yours choice]
Protocol: [TCP/UDP] *doesnt really matter just choose the same everywhere

NMEA sentence settings: choose what you need


Services > RS232/RS485 RS232 tab settings:

Enabled: [v]
Baud rate / Data bits / Parity / Stop bits / Flow control: [choose what you need or leave on default]

Serial type: [Over IP]
Protocol: [Same as GPS settings]
Mode: [Server]
TCP Port: [Same as in GPS settings]

After configuring that, connect your console with RS232 through correct COM port and Baud rate, and you should see GPS data flow in yours terminal.

Basically what you do is: Make router transmit GPS data to server, which is same router, and then make server transmit received data to Serial port.

Best regards,

by anonymous
That last suggestion worked, however I had to resend the Transmit back into the Receive of the RS232 so I can read it via a IP address and port number. Thanks for the help