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+2 votes
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by anonymous


I am unable to reach the teltonika and the LAN that the router openvpn client should act upon as gateway. 

Openvpn allows for a client to act as gateway to for example:, now other openvpnclients from anywhere in the world can access devices behond the openvpnclient on the RUT 955.  

See below: (openvpn cloudserver) (RUT 955) internal openvpn client address (device in LAN of RUT 955 router)

In the .ovpn file a lot of information is included regarding the act as gateway functionality. Basically the client installed on the teltonika will act as gateway to other clients coonnected to the openvpn server to reach internal networks. 

When I set this up on a RPI I have to add these iptable rules myself:

sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o tun0 -j MASQUERADE
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o tun0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

Furthermore I enable ipv4 forwarding = 1 in sysctl.conf

I assume the masquerading rules I enable in this window:

*note that I do this for vpn to lan but  also another rule lan to vpn

It did not work yet, So my tracert originating from my PC (open vpn client) knows to go to the openvpn server in the cloud and know to go to the openvpnclient on the teltonika but it gets refused there.

Now I am just adding more an more traffic rules:

But still no luck. In summary

What does work:  

client.ovpn file gets succesfully uploaded into teltonika + client connects succesfully to the server 

traffic from the LAN behind teltonika can reach the VPN internal clients so lan->vpn traffic works

Where we are:

from another client(my pc) the tracert reaches the teltonika but teltonika refuses the incoming request.

vpn -> LAN traffic gets refused @ router

Thank you very much, we are btw very happy with teltonika products !


2 Answers

+2 votes
by anonymous

Hello Matthias,

For your configuration to work there’s no need to enable preconfigured rules in Firewall → Port forwarding.

As devices in OpenVPN server and OpenVPN client sites are in different networks, it’s needed to route the traffic.

To reach devices behind OpenVPN server, you need to configure OpenVPN client:

  • Remote network IP address (Subnet of OpenVPN server LAN network, e.g.

  • Remote network IP netmask(Size of the OpenVPN server LAN network, e.g.

To reach subnet behind the OpenVPN client you’ll need to add route into your OpenVPN server config, e.g.:

route last address should be your server’s OpenVPN interface IP).

After adding these routes to your OpenVPN configuration, communication should be available between your OpenVPN server LAN and OpenVPN client LAN networks.

0 votes
by anonymous
Hi Matthias,

Did you solve this problem? I'd like to use this configuration on my project also.