From the information which you have provided, it seems that you want to get data from PLC device via Modbus, it that correct? If so, then I recommend using Modbus Serial Master and Data to Server features.
- Modbus Serial Master, allows TRB145 to read certain Modbus data from Modbus slave devices;
- Data to Server, allows TRB145 to send collected Modbus data to remote servers via HTTPs or MQTT.
Before configuring Modbus Serial Master and Data to Server features, please make sure TRB145 is using the latest available firmware version, firmware can be found here: https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/view/TRB145_Firmware_Downloads
Once you upgrade TRB145 firmware, login to webUI and follow this steps:
1. Enable Advanced mode, to do this simply click on Mode section in the top left corner where the FW version is displayed.
2. After enabling Advanced mode, navigate to Services -> Modbus -> Modbus Serial Master here set serial settings to match your PLC settings. After configuring serial settings click Add to add RS485 slave device, once added click Edit (pencil icon) here you can enable, enter slave name, slave ID etc, but main configuration should be request configuration. To configure it, enter any name for easy management and click Add when added you should be able to select:
- Data type
- Function
- First Register
- Register count / values
Here you need to configure Modbus data, which will be pulled from the PLC device, once configured click Save & Apply.
3. Now to configure Data to Server feature navigate to Services -> Data to Server click Add then a configuration window should pop-up where you can select protocol in which data will be sent, JSON format how you would like to receive data (you can only add those values which are mentioned just below), URL/Hots... the IP or domain name of your server were to send data.
If everything configured correctly, TRB145 should collect Modbus data from Modbus slave device (PLC) and send that data to remote server.
More information can be found here:
- https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/view/TRB145_Modbus