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505 views 1 comments

we use a RUT 230 router to parse data from a Modbus slave to a server.

The Modbus slave device gives different measurement values for the same registers but different reading functions (e.g. (3) gives actual measurement values  and reading (4) gives average values).

Now there is the question: Is it possible to not only forward the register number and values but also the register names (stated in the Modbus TCP Master slider) to the cloud? In the "Modbus to Server" Slider, there is no parameter stated to parse the register names, which makes the forwarding of data not very semantic.

Thanks for your help!

2 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous

We have requested the same function to be able to use Request name as identifier (%rn?) on Data to Server instead of %s or %i.

We need slave name and request name inserted on Json object to enrich data payload.

Wait with us or do the same query ;)
0 votes
by anonymous

Hello Bauand,

There is currently no option to parse register name (%rn) on Modbus Data to Server.

Thank you for the suggestion. We added this to our nice-to-have feature list. It is not our top priority, but we will consider adding it to future FW releases.

Although it might be possible for our RnD team to update this feature for you, depending on the importance and size of the project. In order to proceed with this new custom software development, you will need to contact Teltonika's sales manager.

Kind regards.

by anonymous


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