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by anonymous

We want to create Alert Configurations (/devices/{id}/alerts-configurations) after we've added Devices via RMS API but the schema isn't very clear on some of the fields so I've tried to reverse engineer it. Can someone please confirm the following?

  • alert_type_id
    • 1 = Signal Strength
    • 2 = SIM Switch
    • 3 = Status Change
    • 4 = Mobile Data
  • alert_subtype_id
    • Signal Strength
      • 1 = -121dBm -113dBm
      • 2 = -113dBm -98dBm
      • 3 = -98dBm -93dBm
      • 4 = -93dBm -75dBm
      • 5 = -75dBm -60dBm
      • 6 = -60dBm -50dBm
    • SIM Switch
      • 7 = SIM 1 to SIM 2
      • 8 = SIM 2 to SIM 1
    • Status Change
      • 9 = Online to Offline
      • 10 = Offline to Online
    • Mobile Data
      • 11 = Connected
      • 12 = Disconnected
      • 13 = ?
      • 14 = ?
      • 15 = Data Limit
  • action
    • 1 = Send from RMS Email
    • 2 = Send email
    • 3 = ?
  • smtp_config_id
    • This doesn't appear to be exposed in the API?
  • data_limit
    • Documentation says "Limit of data interval in minutes". Are you sure this isn't actually the Data Limit in megabytes (MB)?
  • longitude, latitude and radius
    • For geofencing alert subtypes (13 or 14)? We don't have a GNSS-capable device so I couldn't see options in web UI.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by anonymous


To answer your questions:

  • 13 - Left geofence
  • 14 - Entered geofence
  • action: 3 - Send SMS (This is only meant for devices with very old firmware)
  • The API does not currently contain anything related to smtp_config_id, but this should be added to the API in the next update.
  • data_limit - yes, you are correct, that is supposed to be Data Limit in megabytes (MB). This will be changed in the next API update.
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