Running make menuconfig for the SDK (RUTX_R_GPL_00.02.06.1.tar.gz) on a pristine Ubuntu 16.04 machine results in a failure where the file cannot be found. All of the packages listed in the instructions were successfully installed. This particular file does not appear to be available in a Ubuntu package.
I am following the "RUTX Software Development Kit instructions" found at
The 'make' command completes successfully, but the make menuconfig command fails almost immediately.
Here are the commands required to recreate the failure:
tar -xf RUTX_R_GPL_00.02.06.1.tar.gz
cd openwrt-gpl-ipq40xx-generic.Linux-x86_64
make menuconfig
This results in the following error:
scripts/config/mconf: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
/home/stsuser/openwrt-gpl-ipq40xx-generic.Linux-x86_64/include/ recipe for target 'menuconfig' failed
I did find the source code for, but once that was installed, make menuconfig threw other errors complaining about the GLIBC version on the Ubuntu machine.
As mentioned, this is a pristine Ubuntu 16.04 installation on AWS spun up for this purpose.
Any suggestions?