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by anonymous

I setup nordvpn (client) on RUTX12 for lan-wide protection and download speed dropped from 80-90 mbps to 20. Is that normal? Feels like a big drop. I anticipated a drop, but that much?

This is for home&office setup in rural area with single sim.

Any pointers on how to enable nordvpn with "acceptable" speed drops?

Maybe editing the openvpn config file?

Or perhaps the only option is to install the nord app on individual devices?


1 Answer

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by anonymous

Yes, this is a normal drop. Of course, you can use a second SIM as your second internet connection without any speed issues, but if you're planning to use the current SIM as your main connection with NordVPN - unfortunately, there's nothing much we can do about it.

It could be that you can change the server location if you didn't do it yet, it might increase the stability and responsiveness of the VPN tunnel.

by anonymous
Ok, thanks for your response.

Let's go to plan B, which is to vpn only selected devices.

Can you please help me with the best configuration for these two scenarios?

Scenario 1) Say I want to vnp 2 mobiles and 2 computers out of the 20 devices I have at home and vpn just those 4. How do I configure this?

Scenario 2) I have a router port going to a switch with all things tv. Can I vpn only that port? How?

Thanks for your help!!
by anonymous
You would need to split ports to have different subnets. Once that is done with VPN configuration you can route your routes to subnets you want.

For example, the easiest way to do it is with ZeroTier:

So your steps should look like this:

1. Create a new VLAN, give it ID 3, choose a port that you would like to connect a switch to, and set it to untagged (remove untagged on the ID 1 VLAN on that port).

2. Go to Interfaces and create a new interface for LAN2, choose a static protocol and use IP for a different subnet, let's say, the gateway must be the same and netmask -

3. In physical settings choose eth0.x (your created vlan interface).

4. Save everything and set-up a DHCP server then.

5. When you are done with everything above you can start configuring your ZeroTier VPN, we have enough information in our wiki.