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+1 vote
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by anonymous
I have tried to get status via SMS but it is not working. Anyway, SMS receiving to the device but it cannot send any information to me/ my phone number.

Do I need to update the firmware? Currently my device having FW-RUT2XX_R_00.01.12.3.

Also, I cannot send an SMS to my phone number as well. But in the stats and events, logs show that SMS has been sent. Why is this happening?

1 Answer

0 votes
by anonymous

I would like to suggest for you upgrade your firmware. You are running an outdated version and the current one is RUT2XX_R_00.01.14.

Please let me know about your results after the upgrade.

by anonymous
Thank you for the response. So When I am doing the FW update.
Will the device go back to gain factory mode or will it remain the same?
by anonymous

What do you mean by saying factory mode? Did you have in mind that all your configurations will be erased?

If that is correct, then no. You could select to keep all settings in the System > Firmware window but I would like to recommend to wipe all settings and perform a clean install.

by anonymous

Yes. Exactly that what I meant. Once it reboots with the new FW will it be in factory mode?
Anyway, I am clear with your reply.
Thank you.

One last Q:
is there anything to be a concern about if I am performing this task remotely where the device far away from me?
by anonymous

I have updated the  FW, but still, I  do not receive a reply to my status SMS. anyhow the router event log shows that it send me an SMS to my phone number.

is there any configuration or setting needed to apply for an international number?