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346 views 3 comments
by anonymous
Hi all,

in the past (before last firmware update, I used to connect my RUTX11 to an external wifi (2.4gh) and it would use that as a WWAN connection to the internet. It would keep my local wifi network in tact, both 2.4 and 5 GH and I could connect to either for internet access. Now as soon as I connect to an external wifi (eg on 2.4 GH band), it does no longer show a percentage for the home and the external 2.4gh signal. Also the the 2.4GH local wifi network is no longer available to connect to.

Does anybody know what happened or what I am doing wrong/how to remedy it?


by anonymous
Hi Marcel,

same problem here

Furthermore the 5G wifi dissapears after a while without reappering. Only reboot does help..

by anonymous
Thanks Bernd,

Are you still able to connect the RUTX11 to an external wifi and use it as internet access after the reboot?

Did it start with you after firmware update?

Is anybody else experiencing this problem  or have a solution?



1 Answer

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by anonymous
Hi Marcel,

I started from scratch with the latest firmware, so no experience with former versions.

Meanwhile (after a couple of reboots) the connection is stable on 2G and 5G network. Hope it will last for longer now.

by anonymous

l am also having this issue with the latest firmware (RUTX_R_00.07.00)

Has this been solved? I am tearing my hair out for the last two days!!!!
I can connect to an external WiFi system, but if I do it on 2.5Ghz, then neither the 2,4Ghx channel OR the WiFi connection is available to me when searching for a connection
I have a couple of screen dumps, but do not know how to add here