I have here a strange effect, that every other week my RUT360 loses its mobile connection and then refuses to reconnect after reboot. This behaviour seems to be new with the firmware version RUT36X_R_00.07.00. The mobile network status looks reasonable, just the Data connection state is Disconnected.
Sometimes rebooting the modem resolved the issue, but only very rarely.
I thought I had better success with setting Operators scan settings to manual and selecting the network with the code 21407 in the Network Operator selection. Interestingly the network with the code 21407 seems to appear randomly with the name Digi.Mobil or Movistar. Unfortunately this success wasn't an improvement and it didn't perform better than rebooting the modem
My current best guess to resolve the issue is to disable Auto APN in Network->Interfaces->MOB1S1A1 and enter manually the parameters which work on my mobile phone with the same card:
- Custom APN: internet.digimobil.es
- Authentication Type: PAP
- User: digi
- Password: digi
This seem to be successful with both SIM-Cards available to me.
Now to my questions:
- Is this a real solution or am I just randomly fiddling with the Knöpkes again until the problem fixes itself?
- Is this a normal behaviour, that the same network number is used for different networks? (Digi.Mobil is a MVNO hosted on Movistar)
- Is this change due to something the network operators did or is it due to changes in the Firmware?
I'd appreciate some help here, as I won't be always on site and not having the modem connect would become very annoying.
--- update 19.12.2021
The problem arose again and I was able to produce 2 troubleshoot files.
- troubleshoot-Teltonika-RUT360.com-2021-10-25-problem.tar.gz : This was taken when the router failed to connect to the internet and refused to let anyone connect to Wifi. I rebooted it by cycling the power. After this the Wifi was available again, but the router coudn't connect to the mobile network. I rebooted the modem only with no change.
- Screenshot 2021-12-19 at 13.53.02.png : This is screen shot of the available mobile networks after doing a network scan. No changes were done as I already locked it to 21407 (Movistar / Telefonica / Digimobil (as MVNO)). After this the modem still was unable to connect.
- troubleshoot-Teltonika-RUT360.com-2021-12-19.noautoapn.tar.gz : This was taken after I disabled auto-apn. I can't remember whether I even had to reboot, but the connection worked again.