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by anonymous

Hi, I have a question about mixing WAN and SIM ports. If i'll connect one Internet provider to WAN  port and other provider into SIM CARD1, will i get the same options as SIM1 + SIM1 ?

I mean "auto-switch cases: weak signal, data limit, SMS limit, roaming, no network, network denied, data connection fail"

THX for any answer.

Mark Szczecin

1 Answer

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by anonymous


Unfortunately, with your current set-up, only the "Failover" feature will allow you to back up your primary WAN connection in case it goes down.

Take a look at this link for reference:

It is not possible to interchange the settings between "SIM Switch" and "Failover" features, so you will not be able to use such settings as: "on SMS limit", "on roaming", etc. with the "Failover" feature.

If you would like your WAN connection to switch whenever you reach a set Mobile Data limit on your SIM card, you can set up the "Mobile Data Limit" feature in the "Interfaces" page. Navigate to Network → Interfaces, find your Mobile interface (it should be called: mob1s1a1) and click on the "Edit" icon to open up the settings page. Navigate to Advanced Settings → Mobile Data Limit and enable the "Enable data connection limit" option.

Take a look at this link for a more in-depth explanation of the available settings for this feature:

by anonymous
Thank you, So it means i can set it up as follows:

If the WAN connection goes down ( I set up a  ping test and if it goes down is equal it is unavaiable ) so after that it will go to mobile.


If mobile data limit is enable and limit will fill up it will change the connection to WAN?

Am i right ?
by anonymous
Yes, correct.

As soon as you reach your set Mobile Data limit, your WAN connection will change to the Wired WAN.
by anonymous
Thanks a lot!
by anonymous
Hello, if I want to use two SIM cards from different operators, what is the possibility of using external antennas? The problem is that one LTE transmitter ( for SIM1 ) is in one direction and the other LTE transmitter ( for SIM2 ) is in the other direction.
by anonymous

In this case, you could use an omnidirectional antenna since it radiates equal radio power in all directions perpendicular to an axis, so you would be able to reach both cell towers without having to manually adjust it.