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by anonymous


I'm unable to get any voltage out of the collector output of the router. If I understand correctly then between white and black wires should measure 30VDC when output is active. However there is no sign of voltage when I set the output to active mode from the web UI. I have two devices both doing the same. FW is RUT2XX_R_00.01.14.

Any hints?

1 Answer

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by anonymous


There should be be no sign of output as when the collector output is active it basically acts as a ground.

An open collector is a common type of output found on many integrated circuits (IC), which behaves like a switch that is either connected to ground or disconnected. Instead of outputting a signal of a specific voltage or current, the output signal is applied to the base of an internal NPN transistor whose collector is externalized (open) on a pin of the IC.(

As you can see the RUT240 is controlling the relay using the OC output (Pin 4)

In the given diagram for the relay coil to be powered on it requires -ve or GND (As its a single power supply) which is facilitated by the digital output.

For more information you can check this link:


by anonymous
Simply put: The output is the same voltage as the power source and it's measured between the RED and WHITE wires. So + is common and - is switched by the device.
by anonymous
Yes, Hope it helped. But please note that the Power supply should not exceed 30VDC 300mA (In the above case) to prevent damaging the device.
