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by anonymous
Hi. I was using my RUT240 as wif repeater without a problem. After upgrading it after long time it’s not working now. UI also changed. Cannot find relayd mode and things are quite different. To sum up I tried all videos, files provided by you and it’s not working. I change RUT240’s IP to a different one than and do all the steps, when I turn off the dhcp server, relayd does not appear. (Yes it is in advanced mode, firmware is latest all nine yard.)

Can someone explain all steps one by one with IP adresses and everything like you are explaining to 5 years old. Spent couple of hours trying to figure out and it was really annoying. I am trying to connect my RUT240 to my home router and share/repeat the wifi signal to other users little bit far away from my home router

1 Answer

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by anonymous


Wireless relay configuration example for RUTOS firmware when using WWAN as a source of the internet, along with the necessary DHCP settings, is provided in our wiki article here:

Please note that by default there is no "Relayd" package installed on the RUTOS version of RUT2XX firmware (due to limited flash memory). In this case you'll have to install it at Services>Package Manager in order to make the "Relay" section inside the interface configuration settings.

Best regards,
