We use a custom build of RUT9 00.06.08.xx firmware in which a minor modification of code in modem_core.c enables us to support a legacy device which outputs AT commands which the factory version of RS232 modem emulation incorrectly treats as errors. Our version also fixes a small errror in serial.c, and sets modified defaults for the modem emulation. This works well.
The 00.07 firmware RS2323 service options are unfortunately different, but it appears that the 'partial' modem mode might offer something roughly similar, though this is a bit confusing to me as the alternative 'full' modem mode apparently interacts directly with the RUT955's internal modem, which is altogether different concept and not what we need to do at all.
Am I correct in thinking that the partial modem mode is similar to the 00.06 modem emulation ? And if so, where is the source code for this functionality, so we can develop a version that will allow us to continue using the RUT955 for our application ?