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by anonymous

I have a RUTX10 that I am using to run our own application. This application (written in C and running on the OpenWRT environment) communicates with multiple BLE devices and reports back to our remote server via the local network.. In order to do this, I have setup a static IP address on the RUTX10 and a default gateway. This is all working fine. The problem I have is that I want to be able to connect the RUTX10 to a customer's LAN in such a way that it gets a DHCP IP address and gateway alloocated automatically so that it can just be plugged into the customers LAN and have internet access.without having to change any settings.

I also would like to enable the wifi to allow a mobile device to connect to the RUTX10 on a specific port to allow our custom status page to be displayed, but I don't want that mobile device to have access to the internet.

Do you have any suggestions for how I should set up the RUTX10 to achieve this ?



1 Answer

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by anonymous


Could you clarify your problem: do you want the RUTX10 in the client's premises to act as a DHCP server or a client, or do you want to be able to somehow transfer DHCP information to a client's LAN remotely?

As for the WiFi, you could create a separate guest network as instructed here: In a guest zone you could allow inter - zone forwarding to LAN network, to maintain access to local network, if the port you want to redirect to is located there.

Next, you would need to create a traffic rule which would reject traffic originating from the guest zone to WAN zone.

Lastly, you would probably need to configure a port forward from guest zone to your resource port.

Best regards

by anonymous

Thanks for the suggestions, they were very helpful. I have now manged to get it working.

One other thing I would now like to do is to have the RUTX10 have access to the customer's WiFi (instead of the customer's LAN). I believe I would need the RUTX10 to act as a Wireless AP and a wireless client at the same time. Is this possible ?


by anonymous

I believe, what you are looking for is explained in this video:

Best regards,