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271 views 2 comments
by anonymous
I am trying to configure the DDNS service on my RUT240 to be able to reach it with OpenVPN and work remotely on its network systems.
I have a contract and their DDNS configuration gives me a webcall URL, but I don not know where to put it into the RUT240 configuration, because I can see only username and password fields.

Moreover I have a doubt if I can configure DDNS on the mob1s1a1 interface because the interface IP is on a private network.

Any help and clue will be much appreciated
Thank you in advance

1 Answer

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by anonymous

If your device is on a private network it won't be visible from the outside world the DDNS will do nothig. One solution then would be to use ZeroTier or RMS.

Best answer
by anonymous
Thanks for your suggestion, much appreciated.
I went along the ZeroTier path and router side all works fine, I am going crazy with the Windows side because it won't work reliably from one reboot to the other.
by anonymous
I have tried Zero Tier for many days as suggested, but their Windows client is crap.
It hangs all the time and if you disconnect, to get connected again is a nightmare.