My RUT950 has run out of space on the flash disk
I have read through all the other posts on full flash, but other than "reset to factory defaults" there does not seem to be a decent solution.
Does anyone have any tips on this?
I only have 1 package installed (DDNS) and really need to install OSPF, but can't because of lack of space.
The device is remote so I would rather not factory reset it, though in a pinch I can if I have to.
Does anyone have any ideas as to where I should start looking to cleanup space?
root@Teltonika-RUT950:~# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 9.8M 9.8M 0 100% /rom
tmpfs 61.0M 260.0K 60.7M 0% /tmp
/dev/mtdblock6 3.9M 3.8M 96.0K 98% /overlay
overlayfs:/overlay 3.9M 3.8M 96.0K 98% /
tmpfs 512.0K 0 512.0K 0% /dev
/dev/mtdblock7 576.0K 300.0K 276.0K 52% /log
root@Teltonika-RUT950:/# du -h /overlay
2.0K /overlay/upper/etc/frr
12.5K /overlay/upper/etc/easy-rsa
512 /overlay/upper/etc/iproute2
0 /overlay/upper/etc/certificates/status
0 /overlay/upper/etc/certificates
78.5K /overlay/upper/etc/config
19.5K /overlay/upper/etc/strongswan.d/charon
33.5K /overlay/upper/etc/strongswan.d
512 /overlay/upper/etc/hotplug.d/iface
512 /overlay/upper/etc/hotplug.d
0 /overlay/upper/etc/default-config
1.0K /overlay/upper/etc/ppp
1.0K /overlay/upper/etc/openvpn
512 /overlay/upper/etc/profile.d
22.0K /overlay/upper/etc/init.d
12.5K /overlay/upper/etc/ddns
88.0K /overlay/upper/etc/rc.d
512 /overlay/upper/etc/crontabs
914.5K /overlay/upper/etc/profiles
1.0K /overlay/upper/etc/dropbear
11.0K /overlay/upper/etc/ssl
1.0K /overlay/upper/etc/opkg/keys
1.0K /overlay/upper/etc/opkg
0 /overlay/upper/etc/uci-defaults/001_rut9_migration
0 /overlay/upper/etc/uci-defaults
1.4M /overlay/upper/etc
512 /overlay/upper/usr/share/rpcd/acl.d
512 /overlay/upper/usr/share/rpcd
512 /overlay/upper/usr/share/vuci/menu.d
512 /overlay/upper/usr/share/vuci
284.0K /overlay/upper/usr/share/operctl
285.0K /overlay/upper/usr/share
28.0K /overlay/upper/usr/lib/mdcollectd
6.5K /overlay/upper/usr/lib/lua/luci/tools
6.5K /overlay/upper/usr/lib/lua/luci
5.5K /overlay/upper/usr/lib/lua/ubus/services
5.5K /overlay/upper/usr/lib/lua/ubus
12.0K /overlay/upper/usr/lib/lua
52.5K /overlay/upper/usr/lib/ddns
43.5K /overlay/upper/usr/lib/opkg/info
131.5K /overlay/upper/usr/lib/opkg
4.1M /overlay/upper/usr/lib
432.0K /overlay/upper/usr/sbin
584.0K /overlay/upper/usr/bin
5.4M /overlay/upper/usr
17.0K /overlay/upper/lib
0 /overlay/upper/log
48.5K /overlay/upper/www/views/services
48.5K /overlay/upper/www/views
48.5K /overlay/upper/www
6.8M /overlay/upper
0 /overlay/work
6.8M /overlay