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849 views 4 comments
by anonymous


My RUT950 has run out of space on the flash disk

I have read through all the other posts on full flash, but other than "reset to factory defaults" there does not seem to be a decent solution.
Does anyone have any tips on this?

I only have 1 package installed (DDNS) and really need to install OSPF, but can't because of lack of space.

The device is remote so I would rather not factory reset it, though in a pinch I can if I have to.
Does anyone have any ideas as to where I should start looking to cleanup space?

root@Teltonika-RUT950:~# df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                 9.8M      9.8M         0 100% /rom
tmpfs                    61.0M    260.0K     60.7M   0% /tmp
/dev/mtdblock6            3.9M      3.8M     96.0K  98% /overlay
overlayfs:/overlay        3.9M      3.8M     96.0K  98%
tmpfs                   512.0K         0    512.0K   0% /dev
/dev/mtdblock7          576.0K    300.0K    276.0K  52% /log

root@Teltonika-RUT950:/# du -h /overlay
2.0K    /overlay/upper/etc/frr
12.5K   /overlay/upper/etc/easy-rsa
512     /overlay/upper/etc/iproute2
0       /overlay/upper/etc/certificates/status
0       /overlay/upper/etc/certificates
78.5K   /overlay/upper/etc/config
19.5K   /overlay/upper/etc/strongswan.d/charon
33.5K   /overlay/upper/etc/strongswan.d
512     /overlay/upper/etc/hotplug.d/iface
512     /overlay/upper/etc/hotplug.d
0       /overlay/upper/etc/default-config
1.0K    /overlay/upper/etc/ppp
1.0K    /overlay/upper/etc/openvpn
512     /overlay/upper/etc/profile.d
22.0K   /overlay/upper/etc/init.d
12.5K   /overlay/upper/etc/ddns
88.0K   /overlay/upper/etc/rc.d
512     /overlay/upper/etc/crontabs
914.5K  /overlay/upper/etc/profiles
1.0K    /overlay/upper/etc/dropbear
11.0K   /overlay/upper/etc/ssl
1.0K    /overlay/upper/etc/opkg/keys
1.0K    /overlay/upper/etc/opkg
0       /overlay/upper/etc/uci-defaults/001_rut9_migration
0       /overlay/upper/etc/uci-defaults
1.4M    /overlay/upper/etc
512     /overlay/upper/usr/share/rpcd/acl.d
512     /overlay/upper/usr/share/rpcd
512     /overlay/upper/usr/share/vuci/menu.d
512     /overlay/upper/usr/share/vuci
284.0K  /overlay/upper/usr/share/operctl
285.0K  /overlay/upper/usr/share
28.0K   /overlay/upper/usr/lib/mdcollectd
6.5K    /overlay/upper/usr/lib/lua/luci/tools
6.5K    /overlay/upper/usr/lib/lua/luci
5.5K    /overlay/upper/usr/lib/lua/ubus/services
5.5K    /overlay/upper/usr/lib/lua/ubus
12.0K   /overlay/upper/usr/lib/lua
52.5K   /overlay/upper/usr/lib/ddns
43.5K   /overlay/upper/usr/lib/opkg/info
131.5K  /overlay/upper/usr/lib/opkg
4.1M    /overlay/upper/usr/lib
432.0K  /overlay/upper/usr/sbin
584.0K  /overlay/upper/usr/bin
5.4M    /overlay/upper/usr
17.0K   /overlay/upper/lib
0       /overlay/upper/log
48.5K   /overlay/upper/www/views/services
48.5K   /overlay/upper/www/views
48.5K   /overlay/upper/www
6.8M    /overlay/upper
0       /overlay/work
6.8M    /overlay


1 Answer

0 votes
by anonymous


Check the following directory:

  • /overlay/upper/etc/profiles

It seems to be taking quite some space. There may be configuration profiles other than default, which could be removed. 

Best regards,

Best answer
by anonymous


What do you reckon is safe to delete?

root@Teltonika-RUT950:/overlay/upper/etc/profiles# ls -alh
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root           0 Oct 26 09:40 .
drwxr-xr-x   22 root     root           0 Jan 21  2022 ..
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         101 Oct 26 09:40 default.md5
-rw-------    1 root     root      403.3K Oct 26 09:40 default.tar.gz
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root        4.5K Oct 26 09:40 template.md5
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root      505.2K Oct 26 09:40 template.tar.gz


by anonymous

The following can be removed:

  • default.md5
  • default.tar.gz
  • template.md5
  • template.tar.gz

For some reason they seem to be bigger than they should be. What firmware version is your device running on? 

by anonymous

Deleted those profile files... rebooted.

That cleared it down to 77.92% and was enough free space to get OSPF Package installed.

Thanks for your help. Much appreciated....
by anonymous

Different router. Same issue.... any tips on this one?

These all seem to go the same way for me....
fresh build
install DDNS and OSPF
all works well for a while
then flash fills up
services stop working
needs a factory reset
and back to the start

root@Teltonika-RUT950:~# df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                 9.7M      9.7M         0 100% /rom
tmpfs                    61.0M    288.0K     60.7M   0% /tmp
/dev/mtdblock6            4.0M      3.9M     96.0K  98% /overlay
overlayfs:/overlay        4.0M      3.9M     96.0K  98% /
tmpfs                   512.0K         0    512.0K   0% /dev
/dev/mtdblock7          576.0K    284.0K    292.0K  49% /log

root@Teltonika-RUT950:~# du -h /overlay
2.0K    /overlay/upper/etc/frr
12.5K   /overlay/upper/etc/easy-rsa
512     /overlay/upper/etc/iproute2
0       /overlay/upper/etc/certificates/status
0       /overlay/upper/etc/certificates
0       /overlay/upper/etc/chilli/www
0       /overlay/upper/etc/chilli
1.0K    /overlay/upper/etc/xl2tpd
78.0K   /overlay/upper/etc/config
0       /overlay/upper/etc/privoxy
512     /overlay/upper/etc/quagga
19.0K   /overlay/upper/etc/strongswan.d/charon
33.0K   /overlay/upper/etc/strongswan.d
512     /overlay/upper/etc/hotplug.d/iface
512     /overlay/upper/etc/hotplug.d
513.0K  /overlay/upper/etc/default-config
2.0K    /overlay/upper/etc/ppp
4.0K    /overlay/upper/etc/openvpn
21.5K   /overlay/upper/etc/init.d
12.5K   /overlay/upper/etc/ddns
57.5K   /overlay/upper/etc/rc.d
0       /overlay/upper/etc/vuci-uploads
512     /overlay/upper/etc/crontabs
424.0K  /overlay/upper/etc/profiles
1.0K    /overlay/upper/etc/dropbear
44.0K   /overlay/upper/etc/mosquitto
1.5K    /overlay/upper/etc/stunnel
0       /overlay/upper/etc/scheduler
11.0K   /overlay/upper/etc/ssl
512     /overlay/upper/etc/opkg/keys
1.0K    /overlay/upper/etc/opkg
0       /overlay/upper/etc/uci-defaults/001_rut9_migration
512     /overlay/upper/etc/uci-defaults
512     /overlay/upper/etc/backup
1.2M    /overlay/upper/etc
512     /overlay/upper/usr/share/rpcd/acl.d
512     /overlay/upper/usr/share/rpcd
512     /overlay/upper/usr/share/vuci/menu.d
512     /overlay/upper/usr/share/vuci
284.0K  /overlay/upper/usr/share/operctl
285.0K  /overlay/upper/usr/share
48.0K   /overlay/upper/usr/lib/mdcollectd
6.0K    /overlay/upper/usr/lib/lua/luci/tools
6.0K    /overlay/upper/usr/lib/lua/luci
5.5K    /overlay/upper/usr/lib/lua/ubus/services
5.5K    /overlay/upper/usr/lib/lua/ubus
11.5K   /overlay/upper/usr/lib/lua
53.0K   /overlay/upper/usr/lib/ddns
47.0K   /overlay/upper/usr/lib/opkg/info
134.5K  /overlay/upper/usr/lib/opkg
4.1M    /overlay/upper/usr/lib
908.5K  /overlay/upper/usr/sbin
584.0K  /overlay/upper/usr/bin
5.9M    /overlay/upper/usr
10.5K   /overlay/upper/lib/uci/upload
10.5K   /overlay/upper/lib/uci
27.5K   /overlay/upper/lib
0       /overlay/upper/log
48.5K   /overlay/upper/www/views/services
48.5K   /overlay/upper/www/views
0       /overlay/upper/www/luci-static/resources
0       /overlay/upper/www/luci-static
48.5K   /overlay/upper/www
7.2M    /overlay/upper
0       /overlay/work/work
0       /overlay/work
7.2M    /overlay