Dear Mr/Mrs, see my answers on your questions in Red. The problem solved a few hours ago we don't know why???
Do you have an estimate of GET requests RUT240 has to process over a certain period of time?
When we have only 1 device with a problem, about 1 request per minute would be made. It might occur that 2 requests are send within 30 seconds, but in that case the 1st request was succcessful. At the moment 2 numbers are in the group, we want to go to at least 5.
Does the issue resolve itself after some time or the feedback message is never displayed and some actions have to be performed on the device, e.g. device reboot/power cycle?
Yes the problem solved a few hours ago, we don't know why. Even after a few reboots the device is working as expected.
Have you made any router's configuration changes recently or updated firmware with Keep settings option enabled?
I did the last FW update 2 month's ago, i always use the "keep settings" option, we came from the old Legacy firmware the RUT240 is several years old. We did a factory reset this week and restored the configuration, but that didn't help.
I changed some settings at the beginning of this week, however nothing changed in it's behavior.
Do you have additional services running on the router?
- Dynamic DNS service with
- NTP client
- Ping Reboot
- Reboot Scheduler
- SMS utilities
Could you replicate the issue and generate a troubleshoot file from the RUT240 after it occurs? The logs in the file might provide relevant information in diagnosing the issue. To generate the file, access router's WebUI, go to System -> Administration -> Troubleshoot section and download troubleshoot file from there. Send it in a private message or attach by editing your question.
We did this test yesterday (24-11-2022), see attachment for the trouble shoot file.
I did not use our devices to replicate the issue, but used http to send a request to the router:
I did this 4 times, test1, test2,test3 and test4, with each 40 seconds in between.
With test1 the browser returned an OK
With test2 the browser returned nothing
With test3 the browser returned a timeout after 40 seconds
With test4 the browser returned a timeout after 30 seconds
I received 4 text messages: test1,test2,test2,test2. I feel that it is a coincidence that I send 4 requests and receive 4 messages, because I have also seen that I receive 2 messages when I do only 1 request.
The 4th message was not received yet when I downloaded the troubleshoot file.