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by anonymous
Can we use RMS VPM to portforward a PLC webserver which is hosted on port 80, or do I need to configure on my  own my OpenVPN client server?

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by anonymous


To start with, please take note that you do NOT need to use RMS VPN to reach your PLC, since even using simpler functionality - RMS Connect - is enough to reach your remote PLC remotely. In case you would want to try out this approach, we have a detailed youtube video showing how to configure a such solution:

Of course, using RMS VPN functionality can also allow you to reach your PLC remotely. The difference here would be, that you would need to connect your Windows computer to this VPN network as well. Additionally, no port forwarding would be needed, since once VPN will be established, both your computer and your router would be in the same virtual network. Therefore PLC would be reachable even without port forwarding.

We also have two RMS VPN configuration example videos, which might help you on your path when configuring RMS VPN Hub functionality: