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by anonymous
Has anyone successfully setup DDNS with DNSMadeEasy?

There are a few parameters to pass, namely: &password=YOURPASSWORD &id=UNIQUERECORD &ip=NEWIPADDRESS

YOURUSERNAME = your dnsmadeeasy account username
YOURPASSWORD = this is a password that can be applied to the dynamic record individually
UNIQUERECORD = a unique ID that dnsmadeeasy assigns and links to the hostname
NEWIPADDRESS = the new ip

I'm not sure how to get the UNIQUERECORD into the RUTX11 GUI. It doesn't update but it equally doesn't complain about it not working. Passing the string through a web browser does work however.

I'm wondering what string the RUTX11 does pass when it tries to do an update?

1 Answer

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by anonymous


There seems to be validation from the WebUI side. Thank you for bringing this up.

In order to enter numerical ID, enter any accepted value in the WebUI config. Then you need to login to the router via SSH and add the ID next to domain option. 

You can enter editing the file with the command 

  • vi /etc/config/ddns

Press letter i to enable writing. Once done press Esc, then enter :wq and press Enter.

Next execute the following command:

  • /usr/lib/ddns/ -v 1 start

Best regards,

by anonymous

Ummmm..... if I do that, surely it will be over written when we do a firmware update? We are required to do firmware updates if there are security patches available etc. I really don't fancy having to do this repeatably over 100+ routers

Here is the documentation from DNSMadeEasy which explains the syntax involved:

DNSMadeEasy dynamic clients configuration 

by anonymous


I will forward the issue to the developers to improve the functionality in the future.

Now, changes made to files in /etc/config directory stay after reboot and update if updated with Keep settings. Values entered in the WebUI configuration are also parsed to option fields in these files.

Best regards,