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by anonymous
Hi, apologies if this has already been raised.

I've just upgraded some RUT950s running 06.09.2 firmware to 07.04.

I wanted to modify a setting in my IPSec tunnel profile settings, the Tunnel Name is 9 characters long however...

After making the modification, it won't save, and I get a failed message returned (presumably because it now only has a max length of 8 characters and my tunnel name is 9 characters long).  I tried creating a new tunnel with an 8 character long name (same details as my original tunnel), but it also won't let me disable the 9 character long tunnel!  The only thing I can do is delete this tunnel.

Is this something that can be addressed/fixed please, or is there a genuinely good reason the tunnel name can now only be 8 characters long?  If so, it would be nice if the upgrade process would instead truncate the name possibly, so the tunnel can at least be enabled/disabled?

Many thanks,


1 Answer

0 votes
by anonymous


It is indeed impossible to edit IPsec instance settings, if its name exceeds 8 characters. The developers are aware of the issue. It is set to be resolved in 7.5 firmware.

As a temporary workaround, configuration details can be modified by CLI/SSH, specifically targeting /etc/config/ipsec file.

Below are the instructions, on how to modify an already existing ipsec configuration via SSH, if it has a longer than 8 character name. 

  • To login, use command line interface from router's WebUI in System -> CLI page or an SSH client such as PuTTy
  • Use root as username and router's password to login.
  • Execute the following command:
    • vi /etc/config/ipsec
  • Press letter i to enable editing and change either configuration details, or, if you want to change the instance name, edit every option, including that name and replace it. 
  • Once done press Esc, then enter :wq and press Enter.
  • Then, execute the following command:
    • /etc/init.d/ipsec restart

Best regards

Best answer
by anonymous
Great, thanks for the update.