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239 views 6 comments
by anonymous

Hi you

My FW RUT2 R I see the latest fw is RUT2_R_00.07.04.1. I tried to upgrade but got sim but no internet. 

Please support me. I use Viettel network in Vietnam

1 Answer

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by anonymous

The issue seems to be the modem, which continuously disconnects from the CPU. Specifically, its firmware version is really old. In order to proceed, you will first need to update your router to 7.04 firmware version.

Once you have performed the update, follow instructions I have sent you in a private message.

Best regards,
Best answer
by anonymous

Hi you

I just upgraded to FW RUT2_R_00.07.04.1 using the WEBUI interface. This new FW get Sim but no data. I resubmitted at the first post

by anonymous

The latest router firmware has the same modem disconnection behavior as previously.

I would like to inform, that the modem module within the router has its own separate firmware, which is outdated and I would like you to update it as well.

Please check your private messages section. I have provided you with the instructions on how to perform the update.

Best regards,
by anonymous

Hi you

I followed the instructions from your message but got an error, please check your message

by anonymous
The package has become available from 7.02 firmware version, thus, if you have tried to download it on 7.01.4, it would indeed display errors.

Could you try the procedure on 7.04?

Best regards,
by anonymous

Hi you 

I followed the instructions, can you check if it worked?

I also send the latest TROUBLESHOT file

by anonymous

The logs show:

"firmware": "EC25EFAR06A13M4G_20.002.20.002"

Great success :)

The router appears to be connected to mobile operator and data connection is established as well.

However, mobile signal metrics, despite very good RSSI value, seem to be on the worse side:

  • "rssi_value": -52,
  • "rsrp_value": -90,
  • "sinr_value": -2.800000,
  • "rsrq_value": -18,

Do you have an opportunity to move the device to a different place? Signal metrics can be monitored via device's WebUI, Status -> Network -> Mobile page. For reference values, please check this page.

Other than that, please monitor device performance, to confirm, whether the update a positive impact or mobile connection issues persist.

Best regards,