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by anonymous
How do I configure the RUT360 for best connection with an external antenna (SCAN UHF4G 3db LTE/GSM/WLAN Multiband) to get a private wifi in my boat? I'm using a sim-card from Tele2 (Sweden). What settings are best for me? And wich port is to be used for an external antenna?

1 Answer

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by anonymous


If I have viewed the correct antenna, it has only a single connection point, meaning, that even if it supports multiple bands, only one radio frequency channel can be connected to it with an N-male to SMA male cable.

The antenna itself can be connected to either one of the WiFi connectors on the router.

As for the configuration of the device, it depends on what are your use case requirements. The default configuration already has a pre-configured WiFi access point, anyone knowing its password can connect to.

If you want to impose more restrictions or to have monitoring and throughput control capabilities, consider configuring the following:

  • A separate network for wireless clients, as instructed here;
  • A hotspot instance. You can find an example with its configuration instructions here

Best regards,