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647 views 2 comments
by anonymous
I think I locked myself out by changing WAN zone.

I normally can access the webpage of the RUT955. I was trying to make something work and changed the WAN zone to redirect traffic to the internal LAN network. This is working correctly and I can access devices on the inside.

But now I cannot access the webpage of the RUT955. Is there anything I can do to get onto the RUT955 webpage? VPN connections are also not connecting.

1 Answer

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by anonymous

I'm not sure what you have done, but try to reach router via SSH. If this will work, please add your firewall settings here, then we could check what is wrong.
Best answer
by anonymous

These are the settings i put in the RUT955. Note: this is taken from a other router and edited screenshot.

I cannot login to the SSH.

by anonymous
I ended up changing the settings back locally when I was on location visit. I don't think you can change this remotely.