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450 views 11 comments
by anonymous


I'm triying to get the analog value using the Modbus TCP 142 register, but it give me a wrong data:

The correct value is the one I get from the I/O Status page, in this case 5V:

I can get the correct value sendig usind "General" configuration as an "Action" but in this case I only can send it if it goes in or out the range (just one time if it goes in or goes out, not continuosly)

How can I get this analog data continuosly out?

1 Answer

0 votes
by anonymous

Thank you for provided information. It seems to possible firmware issue, could you please connect to the router via SSH and try the following command:

 - ubus call ioman.adc.adc0 status

And see what answer will you get.

Please let me know.
by anonymous


The answer for the command is:

root@Teltonika-RUT955:~# ubus call ioman.adc.adc0 status                                                           


        "value": "2.01"                                                                                            



But I still got "0" when I try to get the value from the Modbus address 142:

And the analog value in the I/O is also correct:

by anonymous

Is the value from SSH window is correct? If so, then it means that there is an issue with the firmware version and thus needs to be forwarded to RnD department.
by anonymous

Yes, the value is correct. In the mean time, waiting for the firmware update, is any other way to get the analog data continuouly? The I/O juggler just let me get the data once, when it goes in or out the defined range.
by anonymous


Attached TEST Firmware release is for this particular issue.
Please check if this specific function works properly now.
Since this is a TEST version of the Firmware, designed to address specific issues, use it only with a handful of devices; you should not use it for your whole fleet.
Once we receive positive feedback from you – these changes will be included into next Master Firmware release version.

Note: without final confirmation that the issue has been resolved these changes will not be included into Master Firmware version, hence shall not be included from the Factory.

Download firmware here.

by anonymous

I tested the new firmware and it works ok.

Please let me know when will be this update officially realesed for use it.

by anonymous

I have noticed that it may have generated an incompatibility with the Modbus Serial Master module that I am using with other Modbus slaves.

It was up and running but it stops after I made the upgrade. Even once I disabled the Modbus TCP slave

by anonymous


Thank you for the feedback.

Please try resetting device to default settings, and check if issue persist. Keep in mind to download MODBUS Serial Master package from the package manager which can be found in Services -> Package Manger.

by anonymous

I have same issue, can you review the download link, so it not available for now.  I want to try that firmware.
by anonymous


Try downloading from here.

by anonymous
okay, thanks.

i will try it.
by anonymous
Okay, it work for me. Thanks a lot.