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Hello. We have a RUT500 RUT5XX_NW_00.01.805 E80000 Batch no. 049 HW rev 0.6

It started exhibiting stability problems a couple of months ago, sometimes the 3G connection disappears and we have to reboot it.

Can I get a link to the latest stable firmware for this device?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by anonymous

RUT500 Firmwares are uploaded on our client:

login: RUT500

pw: RUT500

For RUT500 with these codes : RUT500 x1xxxx, RUT500 x5xxxx and RUT500 x8xxxx use RUT5XX_NW_00.XX.XX fw.

 For RUT500 with other codes use RUT5XX_R_01.XX.XXX fw

Also try to use ping reboot function for such issues.
Best answer
how can I continue to use Teltonika in new installations, meanwhile there is no support for older installations? Why can´t teltonika generally publish changelog and firmware on the main website in an Area of Archive/EOL-Products? The download-link nighter work anymore nor I won´t continue to work with these products because of missing support.
by anonymous


Sorry to hear your troubles. As the RUT500 is an EOL device the are no new FW releases for it.

The previous FW versions could be still found here:

I am confused by the posts saying the RUT500 is EOL/EOS. I see it is end of production, but not end of support?

"As the RUT500 is an EOL device the are no new FW releases for it."

RUT 500 -> End of Support date is 2020.07.14, which is 6 months from now, so it should still be receiving updates, for example, if there were a vulnerbaility.

So it's marked end of production, but not end of support. Companies normally maintain software and firmware (as a supported product) until the end of support date.

Am I reading the page wrong, is the date in that article wrong, or does support have a different definition in this case?
by anonymous

No new functionalities are added to the RUT500 anymore, but critical security issues would be still analyzed until the end of RUT500 support.
I suggest to warn customers that the recommended Firmware above has a known OpenVPN Issue.

No new functionalities are added to the RUT500 anymore, which is reasonable to an end of Life product. But until the End-of-RUT500-Support I still request to fix known Issues. Today I received the Information from Teltonika, that they are still in discussion, If they will ever fix the Issue which has been confired 11 Month before End of Service. This is dissapointing to me.

I am very surprised that Teltonika is not keeping an archive of firmware on devices not produced any more.  It could have the latest (=last) firmware of the product.  I am searching the latest firmware for my Teltonika RUT550 and have not found it after thorough search.  Previous answer of Teltonika on this series of questions said "The previous FW versions could be still found here:"  However this leads to an empty page with no help.
