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+2 votes
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where can we find the modbus register list for TRB141. Some registers used in RUT240/RUT9xx can be read also from TRB141 but none of the registers who handle the inputs/outputs works. Since the product was already launched i was expecting to find a well written manual for it. Teltonika when do you think that the full manual will be available to us, the humble users who already paid for a product which can't be used as advertised???
by anonymous
Almost 4 months passed without any updates. This looks more and more like a marketing stunt, writing false things in the datasheet. Shame on you Teltonika!
by anonymous

There is a statement in the Input/Output wiki page regarding the possibility to configure the Analog input either as voltage input or miliamp input. "A is ADC input. Analog voltage range 0 - 30 V. Input can be configured for 4-20mA sensor protocol as current measurement of 0 - 30 mA." Where can you configure the output because i was unable to find any option to configure it.

3 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous

We are really sorry for the inconveniences. This feature for TRB devices is still under development and some Modbus commands are not yet available for these, but those will be added in future updates.
by anonymous


Please reply to which Modbus address I can find?

  • DI1 and DI2 are DRY/WET configurable inputs. 
  • NC1 C1 and NO1 are respectively Normally Closed, Common and Normally Open contacts of internal Non-Latching Relay.
  • NC2 C2 and NO2 are respectively Normally Closed, Common and Normally Open contacts of internal Latching Relay. 
  • A is ADC input. Analog voltage range 0 - 30 V. Input can be configured for 4-20mA sensor protocol as current measurement of 0 - 30 mA.
  • 1W 1-Wire protocol input/output.
They are supposed to be integer numbers and not "ioman.acl.acl0"
+1 vote for adding a Modbus register for the I/O ports,

best regards.

by anonymous


While we're still working on Wiki pages for Modbus Registers for all of our Networking devices, I am attaching draft .pdf file where you can find all Modbus registers for our Networking devices:

Thanks for the Modbus list, i'll try ASAP.

0 votes
by anonymous
I've voted for this topic because I've same troubles  IMY, a lot of problems as your analog scale could be solved with a user friendly toolkit to write some scripts on RUT product. We need to have an read/write access to internal registers, ability to format and to use communication features of router. Something like Nodered or other toolkit...
by anonymous

Thank you for you comment. That's is a really great suggestion. I will make sure that RND hears about this.
0 votes
by anonymous

Thank you for your patience, we added new pages in our Wiki page regarding Modbus registers for all Teltonika Networking devices. TRB141 Modbus register can be found here:
by anonymous

it would be very useful if we can write the modbus register even for the time scheduler.

Best regards,

by anonymous
UP Guys, This feature will be very useful for many people i think