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by anonymous
When trying to use TRB142 in full control mode, connecting on network and opening socket in transparent mode using:
AT+QIOPEN=1,1,"TCP",<"//My Ip//">,5011,5011,2   socket opens, device is connected to server and data is passing through.
However when trying to exit data mode using "+++" and following instruction (not sending anything 1 second before and after, and not using CR, LF characters) as stated in quectel AT comand manual, socket stays open in data mode, and doesnt switch to command mode. AT&D0 is configured. Is there another way to exit data mode in full control modem on TRB142?

1 Answer

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by anonymous

Have you tried to close connection with AT+QICLOSE=<connectID>[,<timeout>] command?
by anonymous
Also, I have checked Quectel instructions for transparent access mode, and in order to exit this with "+++", AT&D1 must be set not AT&D0 to avoid "+++" misinterpretation as data.
We set AT&D1 prior to making a connection but still cannot exit data mode. We currently don't have an issue closing the connection (we cannot get to that point). Prior to issue "AT+QICLOSE" we have to exit data mode (enter command mode). Before that, all AT commands are treated as data.

Can someone from the teltonika team try to connect to a TCP socket using TRB142 in RS232 modem "Full control" mode and then exit data mode issuing "+++"?

If the problem doesn't repeat at your site, can you give me the firmware/software revision you are using to make the upgrade.

We have TRB142 with firmware revision: TRB1420_R_00.01.06.1.