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Has RUT955 any ethernet-based protocol that can be used to send SMS and read incoming SMS?

The RUT955 will be connected via Ethernet to a PLC. The PLC should send a command to send to a specified Mobile number (stored in PLC) a message (Stored in PLC). On the other way, the PLC should catch any incoming message and process them and react to particular commands.

3 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous

Which PLC do you work with? On Codesys, you have an HTTP Handling library which allows you to generate HTTP Post requests.With this and the SMS Gateway service, you can send / receive SMS via the Ethernet link.

Example sending sms

http: // youripaddress / cgi-bin / sms_send username = admin & password = & admin01 number = 0037060000001 & text = TestMessage?

Developed and tested on a Schneider M262 and RUT240 / 955 PLC.

If it helps, I can share the code.
Best answer

thanks for suggestion. BTW I have a Modicon M340 PLC.

I'm working with Schneïder M251 and RUT955 but I can't find HTTPHandling library in SoMachine V4.3...


I have done SMS by http post with the new M262 controller. It will work with M251 too

Httphandling lib is available on MachineExpert 1.2 (new SoMachine Name)

Free version (but limited) here (read the readme file)
Hello, I'm trying to do the same with an M241 an RUT955 but I don't understand the library documentation.

Please, can you share the code to test on my PLC the SMS sending?

Thanks you.
Quick export from my project. Add CAADtu lib and Sysmem lib on your project.
Thank you so much!

I have tried it and it works fine.
Is your example project still available?
Please, share your code
by anonymous
Please share the code for SMS service with Schneider M262 and TRB245 via Ethernet Port.
0 votes
by anonymous

You can try using AT commands for sending SMS messages from routers SSH. PLC sends AT command to the router, router send an SMS message to specific number.

Here how you can test it:

1. Connect to the rotuers SSH;

2. Use following commands:

- ifdown ppp

- /etc/init.d/gsmd stop

- microcom /dev/modem_cmd

- ate1

- gsmctl -A AT+CMGF=1

- gsmctl -A AT+CMGs="+<phone number where to send SMS>" after pressing [Enter] you should se ">" it means you can write text

- To send SMS press [Ctrl] + [z]

If your PLC supports RS232 or RS485 serial ports, then you could use TRB142 or TRB145 as they support full modem control, which allos end device to controll LTE module, this way your PLC could send/receive SMS messages.

Also, if you only need a device which could provide you with the possability to use LTE module for example sending SMS messages, then you can also try using TRM device, which are modems but they only has USB type of connection.

thanks for answer. Nothing available using Ethernet ports?
by anonymous

You can connect via Ethernet port to the router and send SMS messages from SSH or from rotuers webUI (Services -> SMS Utilities -> SMS Management) also you could try this:

0 votes
by anonymous
So try to use Modbus TCP Master function and set an alarm. Just use a %MWn who define a condition.

When RUT955 read a value by Modbus TCP, it can make a logical test and send an predefined text to a phone number.

I have a Distech Control, ECY-Server S1000, and I need to configure the RUT955 to receive alarms from the Distech Control (EC-gfx program) and generate SMS. I need to generate these SMS indipendetly in the moment I am getting and alarm event and not through email. So, I guess this configuration shall be made on the controller program directly, by putting the phone number which I need to send the sms, but I am not able to resolve. Anyone experience on such matter?