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by anonymous
I have a router installed at a remote location with very weak GSM signal. The router loses connection frequently (can happen few time per month) and it has to be rebooted to work well again.

Is it possible to use some endpoint so a simple script running on a computer could reboot the router if the connection is lost for a longer period? Probably we should first obtain some authorization with username and password and then issue the reboot.

I know it's possible to reboot router by sending an SMS, but I'd prefer automatic script.

1 Answer

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by anonymous


For this scenario I would recommend using Ping reboot feature which will automaticaly reboot your device once it loses internet connection. To configure it simple navigate to Services -> Auto Reboot -> Ping Reboot select what action you want to performe when there is no internet connection (recommend using reboot GSM modem) this will only reboot GMS modem and not the whole router. But if you want you can select reboot option.

More about Ping reboot:

by anonymous

Furthermore, if possible please provide a troubleshoot file (System -> Administration -> Troubleshoot) when router fails to reconnect to operator after it lost connection to it.

Keep in mind, we need to get troubleshoot file before reboot of the device, we need to have troubleshoot file when router is disconnected from operator.