I'm new with RMS.
Trying to check the data usage of a router (RUT240) confused me a bit ...
Selecting the router within RMS, looking at the "DATA USAGE CHART" shows me an amount of "Sim1 data usage 1,4 GB" since mid of march. The router is running since the 17. March.
If I check the router's data by selecting "VIEW UPDATE HISTORY", then 6. April and 9xx o'clock, I see
"RX MONTH" 54080486 B / 0 B
"TX MONTH" 81108988/0
I assume that both router values are Bytes.
This is an equivalent of:
RX 51,58 MB
TX 77,35 MB
The - only one - device connected to the router is logging an amount of about TX = 800 kB and RX nearly 0 B a day.
A firmware update for the router tuck place last days. These may explain the big diviation of RX between router's and device's log.
What's wrong here? My calculation or the "DATA USAGE CHART"?
Thanks for your help.