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773 views 5 comments
by anonymous


I've noticed unexpected reboot on few routers RUT955.
Originally I though that was newest firmware issue (6.06.1) but we had situation twice but recently had the same situation with firmware 6.05.01. There is nothing in logs that suggest lost data connection of power issue ... current log from RUT9XXX 06.05.01 shows:

65234S 2020-04-26 14:56:43 Web UI Backup was downloaded!
65233S 2020-04-26 14:53:12 Web UI Authentication was successful from HTTP WAN X.X.X.X
3988S 2020-04-26 14:00:15 Network Operator Connected to Orange PL operator
3987N 2020-04-26 13:44:03 Mobile Data Mobile data connected, IP: X.X.X.X Orange PL
65232S 2020-04-26 13:44:01 Output Digital relay output off
65231S 2020-04-26 13:44:01 Output Digital OC output off
65230S 2020-04-26 13:43:48 Port LAN1 plugged in / LAN2 plugged in / LAN3 plugged in / Wired WAN connection non operational
65229S 2020-04-26 13:43:47 SIM SIM card slot in use: SIM 1

Is there any way to check the potential issue on our own?
Sequence with SIM->PORT->Output->Mobile data looks like typical reboot ... but there is nothing in logs before "SIM card slot in use".

Best regards,

3 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous
Hello again,

in one router we have situation with auto-reboot via ping to but snmp monitoring (with 10min interval) shows that there is max -68dBm signal strength. Every manual check on router show that signal strength is proper each time.

We have situation that there is ping reboot request with no mobile disconnection.
I've modified auto-reboot parameters to 10 min interval with 10 seconds timeout.

Because of some issue I cannot see this topic in my profile menu.

Best regards,
0 votes
by anonymous


please generate a troubleshoot file and send it to me via private message. Go to System -> Administration -> Troubleshoot and click Download.

I will see more detailed information about your configuration in the troubleshoot file.

0 votes
by anonymous

The troubleshoot file does not show why the router is rebooting itself. Where are routers used? In buildings or vehicles?
by anonymous
The router is installed in dedicated cabinet with other electronic devices.
That router works few devices IoT connected with CCTV system.
by anonymous
How many routers face such an issue? Maybe issues with power supplies? Try connecting the power supply from another router to a router that is experiencing this issue.
by anonymous
We have two such devices.
For the first one with ping reboot - our mobile operator look for the issue.
The second one with no information was power supply issue.

Looking for information from mobile operator till the end of the month.

Best regards,
by anonymous
Try connecting another power supply and see if the problem recurs.
by anonymous
Yes, as I wrote "the second was because of power supply".
After exchange the problem disappeared.

Thank you again.