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by anonymous
Network: LAN in RUTX11 gives 64-bit counters. But Network: WAN gives only 32-bit counters. Is it possible find 64-bit RX, TX data for WAN?

2 Answers

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by anonymous
Hello, could you explain your issue in more detail?

Maybe you have SNMP protocol in mind specifically?
by anonymous

wan counters RX, TX are 32-bit. They restart at 4.2GB. While lan counters are 64-bit.

In snmp I found  wan counters: eth1wan, wwan01, tunsHome. But all counters are 32 bit. Is it possible find 64 bit web counters in CLI?

by anonymous


A major firmware update was released for RUTx series devices ( RUTX_R_00.02.03.1)

Could you please flash it and see if the issue reoccurs?

by anonymous
I am sorry. New firmware contains not yet suitable for me the ovpn server. I obtained problems with the user/pass authentication with the old data in RUTX11 with new FW and the problems with the correction of the ovpn server in new firmware. The field common name now requires email address. I checked only 32-bit wan counters in snmp in new FW and returned to old FW. Thanks.
by anonymous

Sorry, but I did not quite understand. Could you please clarify if WAN counters went up more than 4.2GB in the newest firmware?

Also, regarding OpenVPN issue, could you create a new forum post regarding it and provide a detailed explanation to reproduce the issue?
by anonymous

I'm consulting RnD regarding the WAN counters. I'll get back to you as soon as I get more information.
by anonymous
I too am seeing this behaviour on my RUTX11 - my LAN interface shows at 40.5GB RX, but my WAN interfaces (load balanced) don't even come close to that. They seem to be arbitrarily resetting (probably as a result of the 32 bit limitation that's been mentioned already). It's doubly weird as those counters now show on the same "Interfaces" page after the latest firmware update.
by anonymous

We will be looking at the 32 bit issue of WAN counters and fixes should be available in the future releases of RUTos firmware. Unfortunately, I cannot give an approximate time of when will it be available.
0 votes
by anonymous

I am sorry, I tried new FW short time before the obtaining the authorization problem in RUTX11 ovpn server. Then I tried to rewrite data in the ovpn server I received the message in the marked field COMMON NAME on the Fig. Because the official factory FW is RUTX_R_00.02.01.1, I prefer use this stable version some months.

Probably is it possible to look 64-bit WAN counters in CLI? Thanks.

Sorry, I checked counters in web interface for new FW RUTX_R_00.02.03.1, wan counter is 32-bit and limited 4.2GB.