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914 views 5 comments
by anonymous

we obtain problem only with "old" routers from RUT955 H7V020 series.
One of our device lost connection with mobie data. At the location our service noticed that router shows proper connection parameters but display note about wrong PIN (even if that was typed in properly - was working for a long time). That router was working with fv 6.05.3.

We have upload restore point (same configuration) and everything worked again.

Right now we have similar situation with the same router series and firmware. We have no connection with two routers.
Our technical service is on the road now.

BUT: our operator provides us that that mobile card are active with proper static IP and APN,
We cannot connect to these routers and sms management does not work also (not status not reboot).

These routers worked mostly in LTE but before connection lost they worked in 3G.
After turning to 3G they did not answer anymore.

Best regards
by anonymous
After visiting broken routers:
> router shows "DISCONECTED" state but show LTE Network
> there were no information about received sms with reboot or status (there was no requested reboots in logs also),
> last sms was from 1st May - before router failure,
> local reboot did not solve the problem,
> update from 6.05.3 to 6.06.1 did not solve the problem,
> downgrade firmware to 6.0.4 did not solve the problem,
> uploaded Restore Point with proper working configuration also did not solve the problem,
> factory reset - did not solve the problem,
> Mobile operator claims that SIM card is active with proper IP (static IP in APN),
> Configuration for public/operator APN did not solve the problem.

Router will be exchanged but the big question is why operator see SIM card as active.
If router was dead, the operator should see SIM card as not-active.

Why that situation happened in two routers from the same series.
Both routers are located with 4 km distance between each other.
Both routers are in the neighbourhood of 5 BTS LTE.
Both router were updated with big fv jump:
3.832 -> 6.05.3 - that router started working after 2h after firmware update to 6.06.1
4.103 -> 6.05.3 - that router is still dead.

Best regards,

2 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous

Would it be possible for you to access that device through LAN port when it is not working, then download the troubleshoot file from it and send it to me?

You can find it at SYSTEM > ADMINISTRATION > TROUBLESHOOT section.

P.S. You need to download the troubleshoot file from the router when it stops working and before you do anything else to it.
by anonymous
(just to remark for myself)
Already done that in PM.
0 votes
by anonymous

before the test I was about to do (according to private message) we have another station with:
> FV 6.05.3

Because of no reason we've lost connection with the router at few days ago. Our technician was at router's place and noticed:
Data connection> Disconnected
State> Searching; N/A 3G
SIM> SIM 1 (PIN required. 3 attempts left)

But there was proper PIN input and station at that moment nad 163d of 20h 59m of uptime!
During connection lost station did not react for SMS commands so we had to perform reboot manually.

Lucky for us, reboot solve the problem and station replied for SMS which were sent during connection lost (i do not use term downtime because router uptime shows that router was working - but LOST PIN?!). We had such situation which made mi start this topic.

That is our fourth router from Hxxx series in last 30 days that lost connection were fv. 6.05.3 was installed in (we have much more installed in production and this issue does not look good for us).

The router that lost connection has been upgraded to 6.06.1 and works for now properly.
by anonymous
Feel free to contact me, if that happens again.
by anonymous
Do you want me to send you troubleshot and screen from that router also?
by anonymous
Yes, send me that via private message.