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by anonymous

Hello community members,

I am trying to achieve a very robust 2G WIFI connection to enable Multicast over UDP. The goal is to seamlessly stream media from a Windows PC which can be received by several clients (Linux).

My test setup is the following: One master, streaming 1080p Video and one client, listening via UDP. Unfortunately, the video-stream received has many artifacts and is not usable. The conclusion is, that WIFI is not the best medium to do that kind of streaming. A lot of package loss occurs, and due to the nature WIFI, these Multicast setups don't work well. Still, I'd like to try increasing the robustness and have the following questions:

  1. Can I set-up a 2G WIFI connection with FIXED transmission rate (e.g. 2 Mbit/s per client)?
  2. Is there any WIFI option which reduces speed, but increases robustness (e.g. reduce package loss/error) in RUTX11?
  3. In general: Can you recommend any WIFI configuration which is good for a multicast setup?

Your support is highly appreciated.

Thank you.


Update: Here is a iperf Multicast log from the server. One can see a package loss of about 80 %. I am not sure if any configuration of the RUTX11 can help me here. Any support is appreciated (I am not a Network Engineer).

iperf -s -u -B -p 1234 -e -i 1


Server listening on UDP port 1234 with pid 1862

Binding to local address

Joining multicast group

Receiving 1470 byte datagrams

UDP buffer size:  160 KByte (default)


[  3] local port 1234 connected with port 32877

[ ID] Interval        Transfer     Bandwidth        Jitter   Lost/Total  Latency avg/min/max/stdev PPS  NetPwr

[  3] 0.00-1.00 sec  21.5 KBytes   176 Kbits/sec  33.131 ms   15/   30 (50%) -/-/-/- ms   15 pps

[  3] 1.00-2.00 sec  17.2 KBytes   141 Kbits/sec  46.755 ms   29/   41 (71%) -/-/-/- ms   11 pps

[  3] 2.00-3.00 sec  17.2 KBytes   141 Kbits/sec  47.248 ms   41/   53 (77%) -798.685/-969.257/-435.766/166.373 ms   11 pps  0.00

[  3] 3.00-4.00 sec  12.9 KBytes   106 Kbits/sec  43.236 ms   36/   45 (80%) -348.721/-436.114/-121.637/106.003 ms   11 pps  0.00

[  3] 4.00-5.00 sec  17.2 KBytes   141 Kbits/sec  36.744 ms   40/   52 (77%) 21.595/-123.020/217.116/108.571 ms   13 pps  0.82

[  3] 5.00-6.00 sec  17.2 KBytes   141 Kbits/sec  34.355 ms   48/   60 (80%) 389.538/215.916/567.841/110.231 ms   12 pps  0.05

[  3] 6.00-7.00 sec  17.2 KBytes   141 Kbits/sec  32.996 ms   48/   60 (80%) 779.654/566.921/922.206/112.440 ms   12 pps  0.02

[  3] 7.00-8.00 sec  17.2 KBytes   141 Kbits/sec  32.565 ms   48/   60 (80%) 1151.654/920.599/1270.644/110.308 ms   12 pps  0.02

[  3] 8.00-9.00 sec  17.2 KBytes   141 Kbits/sec  32.128 ms   48/   60 (80%) 1537.434/1268.999/1621.400/108.869 ms   12 pps  0.01

[  3] 9.00-10.00 sec  17.2 KBytes   141 Kbits/sec  31.716 ms   48/   60 (80%) 1923.858/1620.832/1972.587/111.807 ms   12 pps  0.01

[  3] 10.00-11.00 sec  17.2 KBytes   141 Kbits/sec  27.897 ms   50/   62 (81%) 2246.580/1971.312/2199.112/65.337 ms   13 pps  0.01

. . .

[  3] 28.00-29.00 sec  14.4 KBytes   118 Kbits/sec  21.768 ms   61/   71 (86%) 2355.435/2083.171/2191.305/43.660 ms   14 pps  0.01

2 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous

For the sake of documentation I will post new findings as an answer here:

I testet the same UDP transfer with an old WIFI Router of my provider, and it worked fine. The router I tested is an Astoria 6431.

iperf -s -u -B -p 1234 -e -i 1


Server listening on UDP port 1234 with pid 947

Binding to local address

Joining multicast group

Receiving 1470 byte datagrams

UDP buffer size:  160 KByte (default)


[  3] local port 1234 connected with port 42666

[ ID] Interval        Transfer     Bandwidth        Jitter   Lost/Total  Latency avg/min/max/stdev PPS  NetPwr

[  3] 0.00-1.00 sec   129 KBytes  1.06 Mbits/sec   1.010 ms    0/   90 (0%) -/-/-/- ms   90 pps

[  3] 1.00-2.00 sec   129 KBytes  1.06 Mbits/sec   0.515 ms    0/   90 (0%) -/-/-/- ms   89 pps

. . .

0 votes
by anonymous

Sorry for delayed response to yours question, but if you want to add restrictions like download upload speed on client session then for now it would be only Hotspot configuration that allows you to configure bandwidth limits for separate client groups, for simple WiFi Lan you would be able to set bandwidth limit only on interface, but not on separate clients.

Best regards,