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by anonymous
Is it posiible to have the RUT955 respond to an at-command "ATI" with any character string?

1 Answer

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by anonymous

Could you let me know more details what you want to accomplish with your RUT955?

What information do you want to send to the router and what response router should return to your message?
by anonymous

We use different modems on our device. In order to distinguish them, we evaluate the response to an ATI (modem identification). If a defined, also configurable response from the RUT would come here, we can carry out device-specific initializations in our device. We use the RUT955 as a converter from RS232 to TCP. After establishing the connection, our software continues the handshake and encrypted communication with the server. To do this, we need to know which device has established the connection.
by anonymous


Thank you for more information.

Take note that "RUT955's RS232 Modem mode" only allows "Partial modem control" and only support the following commands:

Therefore with "RUT955's RS232 Modem mode" you will not be able to acquire desired information from the router. In this case:

 - You can either use any other RS232 mode (e.g. "RS232 console mode") and communicate with router using SSH commands instead of AT command

 - Or you can use different Teltonika device - TRB142 - which has full modem mode support and allows you to fully control device (and acquire all information) through AT commands via RS232.

Regarding "ATI" command itself: Yes, you can at "ATI" command to the router, just not through "RS232-modem mode". This command returns "LTE module manufacturer, LTE module type and LTE module revision" information. Router's response to this command cannot be customized.

Nonetheless, there should be no need for that, since all this information from router can be retrieved via separate AT commands, e.g.:

 - AT+GMI returns LTE module manufacturer

 - AT+GMM returns LTE module type

 - AT+GMR returns LTE module revision

Of course, with other AT commands other information could also be read from the router.

by anonymous
Good day,

I stumbled upon this information for the RUT955 and I am wondering if this restriction of the AT commands is still active and we cannot use the "full" AT command list?

I will look into the TRB142, but an additional RJ45 Ethernet interface would be preferable.