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by anonymous
Hi everyone,

In setting up the network on my boat, I am faced with a new problem.

I realize that this time the question, more than strictly related to the Teltonika product, concerns general skills in networks, but I hope you can still help me out.

I will briefly explain the situation in which I got stuck:

Let's start with the general architecture of the network:

The internet gateway of the entire network is Teltonika RUTX11:



A Netgear R8500 router is connected to the LAN 1 output of the Teltonika RUTX11:

RUTX11 LAN1 -> Netgear R8500 (WAN address: - LAN DHCP SERVER:

WiFi 2.4 GHz ON

WiFi 5 GHz ON

And all the devices on the network are connected to the Netgear router:

Netgear DHCP: Apple TV 1 Apple TV 2 Apple TV 3 Apple TV 4 Apple TV 5 Raymarine Axiom 12 WiFi

192.168.11.x iPhones, Printer, PC, etc.

Parallel to this network, there is a network of navigation instruments on the boat.

Among these instruments are a Raymarine AXIOM Chartplotter and some Axis M2025-LE IP CAM.

The cameras are currently viewable only through the Raymarine AXIOM 12 chartplotter.

My goal is to view the IP CAM video streams both from navigation instruments and remotely, by accessing the streaming address via various port forwarding, from RUTX11, passing through the Netgear R8500.

At this point, however, to understand the problem, a fundamental clarification is necessary:

To work on navigation instruments, the IP CAM must be directly connected to the Raymarine AXIOM 12 via ethernet cable.

The Raymarine AXIOM 12 has two separate network interfaces that work simultaneously:

 - WiFi interface, with which the device connects as a client to the WiFi of the Netgear router. It receives a normal IP address in the 192.168.11.x range, and downloads weather data and software updates. There is no device configuration webpage at the assigned IP address.

- Ethernet interface, where instead the device acts as a DHCP server, to which IP cameras and other navigation instruments are connected. In this mode AXIOM automatically acts as a DHCP server and assigns addresses in the range subnet mask These DHCP settings can only be viewed but cannot be modified in any way (the question has already been clarified on the manufacturer's forum).


To work on the AXIOM display, the Axis M2025-LE IP CAM must be connected directly to the display via an ethernet cable and be set to the factory settings.

The only thing I could modify, at most, could be a fixed IP, so that it is always the same, but always within the DHCP Raymarine subnet

So, in practice, I am forced to connect the IP CAM to the Axiom display, and make it acquire an address of the type 10.30.102.x, which cannot be changed.

Currently the Teltonika / Netgear and AXIOM LANs are not connected to each other.

Obviously, at present, if I connect them together, the entire network goes haywire, since the two DHCP servers (Netgear and AXIOM) start assigning random addresses on two different subnets.

My technical skills do not allow me to solve the problem. I would like to know, please if there is any possibility, such as VLAN or other, to connect these two networks together and make the camera coexist on these two subnets, so as to make it accessible both from the Raymarine display and remotely via an internet browser.

Obviously, I do not care that the IP CAM necessarily passes through the Netgear LAN, as I could also connect it if necessary to the LAN 2 output of the RUTX11, if this could somehow solve the problem.

Thanks very much in advance,


1 Answer

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by anonymous

One possibility out of many is to dedicate one port of the RUTX11 to wire the Raymarine device in its own VLAN, for example LAN 2 and VLAN 3.

Go to Network->VLAN, for VLAN ID 1 change LAN 2 from untagged to off, add a new VLAN and set LAN 2 from off to untagged in VLAN 3.
Now go to Network->Interfaces, create a new interface edit it; in General Setup change the protocol to DHCP, in Physical Setting change the interface to eth0.3, make sure that the "Bridge Interface" checkbox is off, in Firewall Settings create a new firewall zone. Now logout and relogin, go to Network->Firewall->general settings, assign the permissions you need to your new zone.
Now you can plug an ethernet cable from the Raymarine to the RUTX11, the eth0.3 interface will acquire an address in the range and will not propagate unwanted DHCP packets.
You can probably do something similar with the Netgear router.
by anonymous
Hi Flebourse,

First of all thank you very much for your help.

I will try to put your suggestion into practice in the next few days,

I keep you updated.
