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by anonymous
Is there any way for multipart sms messages to be handled as one message before being acted upon? At the moment the way they are handled can be problematic.

Scenario 1: Using SMS gateway the GET/POST request to a server does not indicate in any way that the message value is only part of the whole message, ideally one of two scenarios should occur here; either the request should include all parts of the message upon the Teltonika receiving the final sms, or it should send another two fields (part number and total parts) with each request, or even more simply a single flag to indicate more content for this message incoming.

Scenario 2: Any custom SMS command that requires multipart messages where it exceeds the length of a standard sms (this can commonly happen using UCI commands), it currently ignores the second message.

The part / total parts should be available in the raw PDU.
by anonymous
I have the same need about UCI commands with lenght greater than 160 chars.

1 Answer

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by anonymous

At the moment it is not possible to process SMS with a length exceeding the standard length of one SMS.

Best regards, Aliaksandr!
by anonymous
Is it at all possible to include multipart message fields (current message number and total messages) as part of the GET/POST requests? I understand UCI command processing can be more complex, but for the http forwarding, as the multipart info is available in the raw PDU for each message it should be fairly straight forward to include those as part of the http request alongside the message?
by anonymous

Hi Aliaksandr. Is it still not possible to sent multi part SMS? 

This would be really useful feature!