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We try to connect as Publisher the RUT 955 to a MQTT Broker Mosquito

The RUT have the parameters inside SERVICES>MQTT> tab PUBLISHER

Flag to enable, fill all tabs and insert che 9002 port no tls

The broker see the connection from the RUT

When we make the request no answer arrive from te RUT

can we help us ?
There are other parameter more than in the table inside the monitoring via MQTT guide ???

for example the releay state if open or close ?

1 Answer

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by anonymous


If you want to monitor RUT955 via MQTT then you need to configure both Publisher and Broker on the RUT955. More information regarding RUT955 monitoring via MQTT:


so even if I already own a broker installed in my server farm, do I still have to activate the server also in RUT? and if yes what parameters do I enter in my client ?? those of my broker or those of the broker activated in the RUT.
This part is not clear to me, I posted the question because following the guide whose link you gave me I was unable to make it work precisely because I only needed the publisher.

thanks for you help
by anonymous

As I understand you want to get specific parameters from RUT955 via MQTT, correct? If so, try following this manual:


the problem is that I have configured the Publisher to "publish" on my MQTT broker installed on one of our servers. therefore the Publisher does not point to the Broker incorporated in the RUT but in our host xxxx port yyyy
The RUT connects correctly as reported by our broker's log (Eclipse Mosquito running on Linux virtual machine), we subscribe but then we do not receive any response.
Your guides always refer to the use of the broker embedded in the RUT and not to the use of an external broker and I don't know if in this case there are further configurations to be made to make it work.
I hope to have been more exhaustive I also attach a small schema
Thank you

I Have also try to configure the system like your last suggest guide

Use MQTT.fx and connect but nothing arrive from RUT

I Have follow step by step the guide but doesn't work
by anonymous

Test on my side:

1. Windows PC as MQTT broker: mosquitto -p 1885

2. Configured MQTT Publisher on RUT955

3. Open two CMD windows as administrator:

a) in first CMD I used:  mosquitto_sub -h -p 1885 -t router/id (where that my PC IP where Broker is working)

b) in the second CMD I used: mosquitto_pub -h -p 1885 -t router/get -m id

And in result I got serial number of my router. Attaching picture for more details:


Solved !!

Now It's Working fine, the problem was that we use the serial instead the id parameter

Many TKS

by anonymous
Good to hear :)
There are other parameter more than in the table inside the monitoring via MQTT guide ???

for example the releay state if open or close ?
by anonymous


Only those parameters which are in the Wiki page.

If you are interested in monitoring RUT955 you can also try using:

(They have more monitoring capabilities)

- Modbus



- TR-069