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by anonymous
I’m looking at getting rutx11 soon. Use is for medical office to provide 4g backup to main vdsl connection.

I’m wondering if I can set the failover up such that all the voip traffic fails over to sim 1 ( which has a public static ip) and all the other general internet traffic failsover to sim 2 ( which is a cheaper dynamic CG-NAT ip)

Could this possibly by done by different vlans and selective routing or maybe some other method ?


1 Answer

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by anonymous

As far as I understand, you want both streams to go simultaneously, which assumes the work of two SIM cards at the same time. Unfortunately RUTX11 does not provide an opportunity to do this.

The only device that assumes the operation of two SIM cards at the same time is RUTX12.

Best regards, Aliaksandr!
by anonymous
Thank you.

So the rutx12 allows for simultaneous use of sim 1 and sim 2.  

Would the rutx12 allow what I am looking for.  Basically I want all traffic to use the wired WAN when it is up.  Then when the wired WAN is down I wasn’t VOIP to failover to sim 1 and all other traffic to failover to sim 2.   Either by different vlans or different subnets having different failover rules. Would the rutx12 do that ?
by anonymous

It should be possible to achieve that with RUTX12, but you will not be able to configure it like that through WebUI. That is because you want the router to not only switch WAN, but you also want it to completely change the firewall rules and routing when wired WAN fails. You would need to modify the software with SDK or create your own custom scripts.

You can download the SDK here: