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Morning all,

This is a non-service affecting bug - reporting in the name of completeness.
I am using the VPN to post this so I am 100% confident of that :-)

Device: RUT955
Firmware: RUT9XX
Kernel: 3.18.44
Bootloader: 3.0.1


Using a Xubuntu 32 bit laptop (Asus EEE904) to browse the RUT955 Web gui with firefox Quantum 64.0.

I select the STATUS -> OVERVIEW page in the web GUI having first enabled the
display of my open VPN connection in the summary page.

The VPN status shows as :

Status -
Type -

I select the small DETAILED INFORMATION icon next to the word VPN and left click

I get the following error displayed in the Browser:

/usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:217: Failed to execute template dispatcher target for entry '/admin/status/netinfo/openvpn/client_<<details_DELETED>>'.
The called action terminated with an exception:
/usr/lib/lua/luci/template.lua:17: Failed to execute template 'admin_status/netinfo_openvpn'.
A runtime error occured: /usr/lib/lua/teltonika_lua_functions.lua:371: bad argument #1 to 'char' (integer expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
/usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:217: in function 'dispatch'
/usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:93: in function </usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:93>

The issue is repeatable - I have not yet tested it on any other platform/browser.

Regards & Seasons greetings


1 Answer

0 votes
by anonymous

Thanks for the information. I'll register it as a bug.

However, I would recommend sending bug related information to Teltonika's technical support. This way they'll open up a query for your case. Thus, the registered bug would be tied to actual customer case and this would result in a faster fix (especially relevant when the bug is either critical to your solution of critical in general).
by anonymous
HI Dziugas,

Thanks for your assistance.

I have emailled Teltonika requesting contact details for their support as I cannot find them
online. At this point in time, we are still trying to identify a UK stockist who is on our
companies "approved suppliers" register so I have no "sales route" that I can pursue until
early next year.

I confirm the issue is also present on windows 7 with Chrome so its not a browser specific issue

I tried support@...

I got neither a bounce, nor a reply

Any clues please ?


by anonymous
Technical support should be contacted via a sales manager. Where did you purchase the router?
by anonymous
The boss purchased it via amazon as a proof of concept to get the ball rolling
as going through the finance dept takes a lifetime of pain and paper!

I have no visibility (I believe it was even his partner's account he used!)


by anonymous
Usually customers contact support via their sales managers and customers of customers contact support via their re-sellers. However, if you bought the device via Amazon, it makes things a but more complicated.

First, I would try to contact the salesperson from Amazon. He would have direct contact with Teltonika (unless he himself bought the router from a re-seller). But since this is Amazon, I'm not sure what their obligations are. For example, it is unclear if they are obligated to provide technical support or not and probably depends on the seller.

In your case, you can go to Teltonika's website, click the "Contact us" button located on the right side of the screen, select the "Problem" category, provide a description of your issue and make sure to specify where you bought the router. You will be put in contact with a sales manager eventually.

However, Teltonika may take a long time to respond to such queries since you bought the router online and are not guaranteed any direct support from Teltonika. Furthermore, it is the holiday season and the staff returns to work January 2, 2019. So the period between now and this date will be slow for support.
by anonymous

Well, were now in R00.06.04.03 and 9 months on...

The bug is still present - in fact its now worse!

Not only does it fail to display summary information about the active VPN Connection 
it shows the placeholder for client_ ... twice for the same connection!

two VPN connections displayed in overview - but only one configured

Dead peer detection also needs looking at as the VPN frequently locks up after 72-96 hours :-/
