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by anonymous

I have my RUT240 set up as a modem using IP Passthrough. This has worked fine for some time, but just recently I have started to experience difficulties loading certain web sites after the RUT has been active for some time. Restarting the RUT solves the issue for a couple of hours. When this happens I can still ping the URL, so it is not a DNS issue. Restarting the router behind the RUT does not make any difference. All devices on the network show the same problem until the RUT has been restarted. It seems that it is only affecting some web sites and not necessarily all at the same time. One example is If I disable WiFi on my phone and try the same URL using the phone's 4G instead of the RUT the site works well. Operator is Telenor, and I am using APN

Any ideas?
by anonymous
Hi again Jerome,

Though slightly worried that what you propose will break more than it fixes, next time I have an opportunity I will give it a try.

I am not running my own DNS if that is what you’re asking. And name resolution does not seem to be the problem as ping is working just fine when the https pages cannot be opened.

The Netgear is handling NAT and DHCP for my network, and all I need the RUT for is to connect the Netgear to LTE.

Thanks again,

by anonymous

Okay let me know :)

by anonymous
I have similar questions, may I know how it fixed at the end?

Why IP passthrough mode looks very complicated? Can anyone explain?

1 Answer

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by anonymous


May i know why did you use the RUT240 passthrough mode? What are you trying to achieve with this configuration? 
Could you give me more details regarding this??

Because in Passthrough Mode assigns its mobile WAN IP address (SIM Card assigned IP) to another device.  So may I know what device have you assigned the Sim IP? A clearer picture or a network topology would be a great help in understanding what are you trying to achieve. 

For information about the passthrough mode you can refer to this link:

Hope it helps.


by anonymous

Hi Jerome,

I am using the RUT as a modem only. The device connected to the RUT is a Netgear R7000 router, which provides local cabled and wireless networks.

As all devices on the network were affected I started looking at possible common error sources:

  • DNS - Tried using another DNS on one device, to no avail. Also pinged said websites when they were unavailable and could reach them with ping, so not a DNS issue. 
  • Netgear Router - Restarting the router made no difference, and as no settings had been changed on the router I stopped at that. 
  • Browser cache - As the problem was seen on different devices and different browsers (safari, chrome) at the same time this was unlikely, but I still cleared it - no difference

So restarted the RUT, and alas, things were working again, for some time, at which point I restarted the RUT again with the same positive effect.

All devices are on the latest available software revision. 



by anonymous


The issue you are having is caused by IP conflict and wrong configuration because if you are going to use the RUT device to provide internet you don't need to configure passthrough mode unless you want to assign the sim card IP to the Netgear router. But try configuring this on the RUT device. 

1. Log in to the Web UI of RUT device go to the Network > Mobile Tab 
2. On the Mode Select NAT instead of Passthrough then save settings

3.   Next is on the Network > LAN Tab change the LAN IP address to a different subnet other than your
Netgear router.  
Example: Set this one on the RUT device and on the Netgear device. 
4. That should solve the issue you are having. 

Hope it helps 


by anonymous
Hi again Jerome,

How is it an IP conflict? Which IP is conflicting with which?

I believe setting it up in the way you propose would mean my network is double NATed, which may cause other issues?

The LAN interface of the RUT is already on a different range than the Netgear uses for LAN, allowing me reach the admin interface of the RUT from the local network provided by the Netgear.

Thanks for trying to help!

by anonymous

Could you apply the configuration first and let me know the results? Because you only want to provide network connectivity to the Netgear devices and the device that will be going to be connected to it. May i know also if you are using a DNS network??

If issue still persist. Kindly send me a copy of the troubleshoot file of your device via PM

Thank you and have a nice day

