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Hello. I'm planning on buying lte capable modem/router. I already have a capable wifi router, so I don't really need another one, but what worries me is actual speed throughput. On my cell phone (cat18), I can get about 70mbit/s in-house (living room) , outside(balcony) I can get more than 170mbit/s. Trb140 (1 antenna) should be good enough if it can establish speeds around 150mbit/s, whereas rutx11 (2 antennas = higher speeds?) would be a full replacement for my current router. I'd like to know your experiences with these or other similiar products - do these devices have stronger signal than cell phones in house? Will rutx11 have much better signal/throughput than trb140? Are they stable enough to use mobile data on main connection? My provider says lte-a 400mbit coverage zone is where I live. Thank you.

1 Answer

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by anonymous

I think this wiki article about our routers LTE speed discrepancies will answer your question:

Best regards.
Hello, that was very helpful, so it seems that I won't be able to reach near theoretical maximum for trb140, so I'd need rutx11 for better speeds. What are your experience with real speeds on rutx11 inside house?
by anonymous

We at Teltonika managed to reach up to ~230Mbps using carrier aggregation in city area conditions.

I'd say that's good result. Could it sustain heavy data use with unlimited data and function nonstop? By any chance, what are the inside house speeds for TRB140 if you have such info? Thank you, you are being very helpful.
by anonymous
Our routers are designed to withstand heavy and unlimited use. As for TRB140 I just tested myself and managed to reach 7Mbps download speed while in closed office without any additional configuration.
Okay, I just ordered RUTX11, so I'll see how it works (speed/stability-wise) and hopefully it will match my linksys wrt1900acs performance (mainly wifi speeds and coverage).

Thank you!
by anonymous
Always happy to help, please do not hesitate to create new threads if any issue occurs.

Best regards.