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I have just updated my RUT955 to the lastest (non release) version RUT9XX_R_00.06.07 and I have found several issues.

On the setup wizard:

1.- On SIM setup page, SIM MTU box contains 1500 and that value is not accepted (red box). It must be cleared for the setup to continue. Afterwards the MTU value of 1500 is properly stored on the config file, so it must be a bug of the GUI.

2.- If you change LAN IP on the wizard you lose connection as it is immediately applied. You cannot finish the wizard unless you change the network config to match the new IP and edit the address bar to reflect this change. I think the LAN config should be stored somewhere on temp vars and applied at the end of the wizard after adverting user of the LAN IP change.

On DHCP configuration on LAN:

1.- I cannot add additional hosts files to dnsmasq configuration through GUI. It is very useful when using VPNs to have some locally resolved hosts names instead of routing queries to the other point. An option to add some files with resolved hostnames will be more than welcome.

I can add those files manually by editing /etc/config/dhcp and adding this at the end of the section "config dnsmasq"

list addnhosts '/etc/hosts_vpn1.hlan'

list addnhosts '/etc/hosts_vpn2.jlan'

The content of those files are in the format : Aircon.hlan AP-PHOTOCOPIER.jlan

A GUI box to add the files should be perfect. (I think this is needed)

A text box to edit the hosts files should be more than perfect. (I think this is not needed as too much work involved for doing this).

On printer configuration

1.- p910nd bidirectional mode not working

When installing package USB Tools, and trying to configure the printer server, the checkbox for bidirectional mode does not reflect on config file /etc/config/p910nd. Whatever the box state is (checked or uncheked) it is not written on config file. If I write manually  option bidirectional '1' on config file and try to edit configuration on GUI tab, it simply deletes the bidirectional option, so it is never used when firing p9100d daemon. Please, fix.

Any consideration of the above will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

1 Answer

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by anonymous


Regarding the bugs you reported it's really appreciated :)  For the last two issues for the DHCP and Printer part I will be sharing it with the team to do some further testing. But for the first issue you shared about on the set up wizard clearing the web cache and history will solve the issue.

Hope it helps


by anonymous

Regarding this issue of yours could you send me a copy of your troubleshoot file for configuration double checking.

Thank you for the support.
