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by anonymous
Hi. I have a question...

You have a function in Teltonika RMS called RMS Connect.

Would it be possible to get another function that you can set up a type of connection yourself through this RMS connect ..

For example. if I have some devices out on a site and I for example want to connect with a tunnel through TCP / TELNET, FTP, and other ports that would be interesting for different systems.

We drive e.g. much with a communication solution that is LONWORKS, and it uses port 1628 through TCP.

It would not be possible to add e.g. a TCP handler, so you can make your own tunnels in the same way as you have Remote SSH, Remote HTTP (S).

We think this is a highly topical solution, as more things go to IoT solutions, but for updates and programming of different devices remotely, this is required. And we do not see that a possible solution to go into the device and "open" a port temporarily is a good solution.

1 Answer

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by anonymous

I will drop this to RMS team as a suggestion. Thank you for your feedback.