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by anonymous

We have a request from our network provider to send them a chipset trace from a RUT955 device with connection problems. Is it possible to capture and download a chipset trace from the Quectel EC25 module in the RUT955? How?

From the network provider we got the following request:

"The trace we have requested is practically some logs generated internally (inside the modem) and sent to Qualcomm Diagnostic port (DM). Dumping the port to a file is tracing. That is usually done using some Qualcomm or Quectel tools."

1 Answer

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by anonymous

Regarding the question you created may I know what data are you trying to get from the Quectel EC25 module??

We do have some documents regarding AT Commands that can be run for the LTE module to get some information:

Also if you want to know about the exact Module that your RUT955 is using I need to get the exact product code of the device.

by anonymous
As far as I understand the EC25 implements Qualcomm Diag. Is it possible to extract a diagnostics file from the modem on a remote site? The reason we need this is because we have a device at a remote location which drops the connection as soon as it is idle. From the network provider (Telia, SE) there is a request for the "chipset trace" to investigate this further.

We have done this previously on qualcomm based u-blox modems using a tool from u-blox. The resulting log file is sent to the network provider for debugging.
by anonymous

From the network provider I got the following update:

"The trace we have requested is practically some logs generated internally (inside the modem) and sent to Qualcomm Diagnostic port (DM). Dumping the port to a file is tracing. That is usually done using some Qualcomm or Quectel tools."

by anonymous


May I know what issue are you experiencing could you send me a copy of the troubleshoot file first?? 
Or you can do manual checking of the mobile signal strength in Status > Network > Mobile 
Mobile Signal Strength Recommendations - Teltonika Networks Wiki (
