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I have a rut 955 powered by a battery in an open field. I am trying to find a way in which i can identify if the teltonika has power or not. If i know that the teItonika has power, i can update the status in my webpage. I know that something external should be connected to the teltonika for this. But i have no idea where to start from. Any help is appreciated .

Thank you for reading.

1 Answer

0 votes
by anonymous

When you connect a 4pin power connector to your RUT955 two cables are a must for supplying power to your RUT955, the other two are for I/O purposes, so you can use a Digital input cable to trigger something when powering up your device.

Please read here and you should have an idea of how I/O works.

by anonymous

I use a Connit Black USB+ ( for this purpose it has a small battery, if the RUTX is rebooted or the power goes down the stick sends a message via Sigfox or Lora to a monitoring server at another location.

by anonymous
Hey @flebourse, how do you connect the Connit Black USB to the RUT 955? is there any documentation on this ? Thanks a Lot
by anonymous
Hey @ErnestraB, Thank you for your answer. But i want to know if the teltonika is completely switched off ( Not facing a network error). Doing something with the I/O pins can be helpful, but sometimes it can be a network issue which is causing the teltonika not to respond, but i want to make sure that the teltonikas power is off.
by anonymous
@joel, Hi, well that's why it's better to have something running externally between the power source and power plug, so in case power is cut off, that external board, circuit, or some kind of device will tell you if the router is off or not.

There's no other way, unfortunately.

by anonymous

Just plug it (with an intermediate USB cable for me).

The stick send a message per day telling about its state/health, and another one with specific data if the USB link goes up or down.

So for a reboot: a "down" message followed by an "up" message. For a power off you'll only have the "down" message.

If you need, you can send/receive "user" messages it has a small set of AT commands to do that both for Lora or Sigfox.

If you are interested, first check the coverage in your area. Transmission is good for a 50 km distance to the base station with a 2*1/2lambda + 1/4lambda antennae.

As it works with unlicensed bands you are limited to 6 32-bytes messages per hour.
