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291 views 2 comments
by anonymous
I have a device connected to an RUT955 via Modbus. The RUT955 can read data from the device.

I would like to read the data every few minutes, cache it locally in the RUT955 to be pushed, for example, once per day. If the data fails to send (for example bad signal) then keep storing the data until it can send.

Is that possible?

2 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous
In case, it is not just for one single RUT955, you might consider development of custom firmware.

Either based on Teltonikas SDK, or on openwrt, which officially supports the RUT955. Having the advantage of using most recent software packages.

Did  this myself for commercial projects, using the RUT955.

Data queueing is not so uncommon in the world of IoT.
Best answer
by anonymous
Thank you, I think a custom script or something might be the answer. Not sure I really want to do an entire custom firmware :)
0 votes
by anonymous

Unfortunately, there is no functionality like that.

What I would suggest is looking at this wiki page:

Here you will some Modbus commands that would be useful when doing your own service. Once you get information from the query you can just store it in some kind of text file. You will have to clean it up from time to time too, as you don't want RUT955's without any memory at all.

How you send it and how often - depends on you.

by anonymous

I guess a regular cron job to write the data to a text file might work.