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by anonymous

there is no way I can access the GUI interface of my RUT955 by accessing from an external network.

I'll explain:

The RUT955 is connected in cascade to another router which is connected to the internet with a public ip.

The RUT955 has its own IP which obviously is of the same class as the rest of the network and which does not conflict with other devices.

The GUI is enabled, in fact by accessing the internal network I see and manage the RUT955 perfectly

From the outside of my network I access the other devices inside the internal network having opened all the affected ports.

But from outside the network I still can't access my RUT955

What do you think I may have forgotten to enable?


1 Answer

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by anonymous


Good day,

May i know if you have enabled the remote http access for Rut device in System>Administration>Access Control.

It must be enabled to remotely access the device from outside the network.

Thank you.

I hope it helps.



by anonymous

Yes is enabled:


I've been going crazy for days to understand why, maybe I get lost in a glass of water :)

by anonymous

Did you tried reading the following for identifying your IP ?

In case you have public IP on your 1st router.

As i understand Rut955 is connected on LAN of another router ? Right or no ?

So in case the above statement is true . There must be one IP assigned from 1st router IP pool to Rut955 from your 1st router that IP will be WAN IP of Rut955 . So , you need to do port forwarding to Rut955 from your 1st router . And as Rut955 is using http port 80 by default , may be your 1st router is also using the same 80 port as http. So, at the same time you cannot use the port 80 on both devices .

It must be changed on any of one router. I hope it helps.

If i am unable to understand your scenario please provide me with a topology , how everything is connected , what are IP addresses on LAN and WAN , What ports are being used on both sides.

Thank you .