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229 views 3 comments
by anonymous
wwe have 2 rut950s  both with 2x vodaphone uk sims   1  is now on site in service the other i am preparing
they  connect to  moblie  data get an ip address  but have no throughout on wifi or cable  , we only use voda  in my company  and are now looking at these as our goto device  (possibly 100s of units)  but we need to  work out this issue

2 Answers

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by anonymous

First of all, check if the IP they get is the right IP, you might need to enter an Custom APN in Network > Mobile page.

If the problem persists - check if the device you're connecting with doesn't have a static IP set and uses DHCP.

If that's only one SIM card that is not working - try another device. If another device acts the same as the previous one - try changing the SIM or call the operator and ask if everything is enabled within that SIM service.

by anonymous
yeh  i have set the apn to  manual  for voda monthly  contract (UK)   this works  but after a while  it looses gatway  again  as if its not being routed  correctly  loging in to the unit when it looses this  the sim signal is still  active but is then off ,line in rms   all  very  strange !  as stated this is the start of a much bigger pilot  so i need to prove these units work
by anonymous
Could you please take another device and see if it works normally? I mean if you have any other Teltonika devices that you could check that SIM on.

0 votes
by anonymous
We have seen this if you are using a sim from a phone and not a sim specifically used for data.
by anonymous
both sims  installed in each  router are data only   today on the one i am testing beside me  i lost internet to the laptop  again yet sim  was still  active   with signal  
mode  load balance  

sim auto fail  over on data loss

primary internet mobile data  (wan port  no connected )

i have now enabled auto  reboot  on time out  as well as weekly  reboot